Friday, September 20, 2013

Now that no one's reading any more...

Okay.  3 months off.  Enough time that I think people won't be checking in anymore.  But I miss capturing little moments of our lives for my own future enjoyment.

Reasons I haven't been writing...

---I stopped writing just as my friend was going through treatments for her stage 4 cancer.  I don't know how to address my feelings about this on here, and yet it was captivating my thoughts for a long while.  As of today, she is finished with her 8 rounds of chemo and will have major surgery to remove parts of her liver and intestines in October.  I am scared, but have found that my role in her life is to make her laugh.  I have told her that I don't know that it is appropriate or acceptable to joke around in a time like this...but it is all I have for her.

---Jeff's facility for work has moved at the end of June.  His commute is now 50 miles...which means it can take almost 90 minutes for him to get home at night.  This is not how we want to live for the rest of our kids school days...I know it works for some people, but it's not for us.  So we are re-thinking what this means in regards to staying here.  Since the company won't relocate us to the new facility (less than 100 miles), but it will all be the same impact to the family if we move 50 miles or 1000 miles...he is job hunting.  With the full support of his boss and boss's boss.  They send him job postings.  ;)  Just goes to show how crappy the commute is.  If he doesn't find something in the next year, we'll focus on how to make the commute work for the long run.  I don't know what the answers are, and I am focused on not worrying about it until something actually needs to happen.  And we all know how good I am at that ;)

---The kids are so complex now.  How do I explain that Michael is developing his own accent all of a sudden...changing the way the short /a/ sounds in a peculiar and annoying way?  I have a hard time capturing Andrew's sense of humor and the delivery of his sarcasm without making it sound disrespectful.  For example, when we were out to dinner, the sun was shining in his eyes, and he kept using my shade so he could see the tv behind my head.  I was trying to annoy him (I know, mature) and would move my head suddenly so he'd get a burst of sun in his eyes.  One time he turned away and said, "Mom, when I don't call you someday, just remember this moment."  Man, he cracked me up.  And Lily?  She is a delightful/frustrating combination of sweet little 6 year old girl and whining incompetent 2 year old.  I mean, how do you lose your shoe in the house.  Not both of them, just one.  Are we kicking them off in different directions (yes).  But then she'll turn around and draw the sweetest picture of her family and make you melt and love her even more than you already do.

---I'm kind of bored.  Of writing on here.  But then I regret not being able to look back and read what we were doing.

So we'll see.  If I can snap out of boredom and write down snippets of our day.  If not, I'm sorry to my future self who will enjoy reminiscing about the good old days.  Because these are the good old days.  If I could freeze my kids at their current ages, I totally would.  They are so much fun and so daggone easy to take care of.  Except for the shoe thing.  That kind of stuff drives me CRAZY.  ;)


Aunt Sara said...

You'll be happy to know I am checking! I have you bookmarked and I check at least three times as week as part of my routine. It has been a sad few months of reviewing the books you've read...
I'm so happy to see you writing again! I know it helps all of us who can't be with you regularly feel closer to you and the rest of the family. (no pressure)

Andrea said...

Yay!! Another post! I check a lot too... it just brightens my day! So today I think... I have to work, but now I can picture Michael saying "remember this moment" and it will make me chuckle all day! :-)

Andrea said...

Yay!! Another post! I check a lot too... it just brightens my day! So today I think... I have to work, but now I can picture Michael saying "remember this moment" and it will make me chuckle all day! :-)

Elizabeth said...

I am reading too! I love whenever your blog shows up in my RSS feed. I've actually been going back and reading old entries (e.g., when you were pregnant with Michael) - now that I have a baby, it's neat to re-read them.

I hope you can come up with a solution for Jeff's work. Erich has about a 45-minute commute, which we hate, so I can imagine how tough double that must be. There aren't any jobs for Jeff in San Diego, are there? :-)

bluedaisy said...

More pressure- I still read here too!! I have been in a rut myself as you know and then I have a moment to post so I do. Just keep trying- who knows? Maybe it'll come back around. Especially if you've got job-hunting/moving prospect. That can really make for some good blogging topics!!

I truly hope that something works out for you guys on that front. I will also be saying lots of prayers for your friend and you know, laughter is a good thing and I am sure your friend appreciates it!! I wonder what direction your move will take you...maybe closer to me?!?!

CARRIE said...

I check in here too, but life gets so excruciatingly busy that I understand putting the kibosh on the blogging. I have times when I feel like I want to write but I can't really get it together to write. I do like keeping up with your life, so hopefully you'll at least pop on Facebook periodically (or more).