Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Dear librarian,

I am so sorry to have troubled you with my need to check out books. Even though you were clearly sitting at the counter where people go to check out books. I could tell you were irritated by your exasperated sigh as I put my pile of books in front of you. I know it was bothersome to watch my children stand patiently while we waited...they did skip around a bit as they waited to get their video back from you. And I completely understand why you snapped at my 2 year old when he pushed the giant blue handicap button down at his eye level to open the door. Obviously that is not there to open the door and you are so good to point out that he is brutishly strong and could break it.

So sorry for the inconvenience.


Loves libraries but hates (some) librarians

PS. If you hate children so much, please just remove the children's section entirely. Then we will stop bringing them to your precious library. However, we may still need to check out adult books so that will not solve all your problems.


Anonymous said...

LOL...bad day at the library?! I thought the blue handicap button was there for the kids to push so they don't have to wait for mom to hold it open while she balances the heavy load of books in the other hand. Silly me.

Our governor is slashing the libraries' budget. The impact on our family means no more children's summer reading program and no more getting books transferred from other libraries, which means my selection of books is extremely limited. Meanwhile, they have installed a self-check out system. If you dare to talk to a live librarian, be prepared to be snapped at. Why are they even there? How about get rid of the five librarians standing around doing absolutely nothing and bring back our programs and book transfers! Are librarians members of a union?

Kelsey said...

Agh - Giselle - that's awful. Cranky librarians (or any person in a service profession) are the worst. People whose job it is to help you should NOT make you feel like it is an imposition.

I once went into a gas station where the clerk was annoyed to have to pause his cell phone conversation to have to accept payment from me - classy.

Sarah said...

Why are so many librarians cranky?!

Heather said...

I am so so sorry that happened to you. Please remember, we aren't all bad! Some of us librarians really do love kids.

CARRIE said...

Ahhh yes....cranky librarians. Far too many of them, I think. I need to copy your letter and leave it at a number of our libraries here.

bluedaisy said...

So annoying! I would not have been as civilized in person- I might have made a passive/aggressive comment. Hope your next trip is a better one!

Kate said...

From comments sad that a few bad eggs (who are most likely NOT actual librarians-- because libraries don't hire librarians anymore) can make everyone look bad. As for unions-- most definitely not. That's why we are paid half as much as the "overpaid" teachers for twice the education.