I fluctuate between feeling really pleased and really guilty. Really pleased that my children have learned how to entertain themselves for hours on end. Imagination and creativity are such important tools to have. Then I swing over and feel guilty that Andrew really isn't interacting with his own age group much, we aren't doing any cool science experiments or tree journals or independent studies like I had planned. I make sure the kids do their "homework" every day, so we don't fall completely off track with writing and reading...but that's about all the structure we have. Will Andrew go back to school stunted socially? What will he write about when they ask him "What did you do this summer?"
But whatever. We have all year to be scheduled. We're just going with it.
It is fall activity scheduling time. There is much pressure around these parts (maybe everywhere?) that your child be introduced and exposed to many many activites. I get asked all the time...Is Andrew doing...? Piano lessons. Sports. Swim lessons. Scouts. Religious education. Foreign language classes. And that is just for Andrew. It is...overwhelming. Financially. Time wise. Overwhelming. I want to introduce my kids to all these things...who knows what they will like! But I do not wish to live my life running from one thing to the next. I don't want Lily and Michael's childhood spent waiting in fields and cafeterias and car seats. I want my kids to play in the backyard and go to bed at a decent time and to have family dinners around the table. I think these wishes will be impossible when Andrew AND Lily AND Michael have activities on different nights. So I should just embrace it now, right? Except for the whole cost of everything. I don't know how we would even fund all those activities for all those even if we wanted to. Swim lessons, $50/month. Dance, $55/month. Gymnastics, $60/month. Piano, $100/month. Soccer, $200/season. Spanish, $45/month. Not including equipment costs. Ugh. Everyone else seems to do it, but I can't think too hard on why we can't.
I know I just need to be confident in what we're doing now. What works for THIS family. Doing activities that the children request and show interest in and not worry about exposing them to everything. Andrew's doing a Lacrosse camp this week because it is the one thing he wanted to do this summer. Lily will do dance in the fall, because it is something she really wants. Do I wish they would play piano? Yes. But no one is interested. Yet.
If I signed them up for everything, they would complain as adults that they were too busy and stretched thin. If I follow my current path, they will complain that they missed out on all the good scholarships because I never put them in golf or whatever. I think as a parent you can't win. So I'll do what I'm comfortable with, I guess. So at least one of us is happy in the end ;)
Here's some photos of us bumming around...