Wednesday, February 23, 2011

P.P.S. I love libraries

Don't worry. It will take more than one cranky librarian to make me swear off libraries. I love libraries.

I love libraries so much that I worked in one in high school. Shelving books. Still one of my favorite jobs ever.

I love libraries so much that when I quit teaching, I took a job as a school librarian for a private school in California. For very very low pay. It is the job I held the longest in my life.

I love libraries so much that the library system here in PA was one consolation when we moved here. (Louisville's was not so great).

I love libraries so much that my book club expressed concern for me this month. See, the book we are reading has such a long hold list, that the library basically tells you it is unavailable. I saw one of my fellow book-clubbers and she asked how in the world I would read the book if I couldn't check it out from the library. She knows I don't buy books. (I am borrowing it from another book clubber who bought it and finished it already).

I love libraries so much that last year when my closest library was having funding/staffing problems, I went on every free Saturday I had to help shelve books, proof their shelves, etc.

I love libraries so much that there is nothing I like to do more than slowly peruse the shelves...and when I need a time out from my family, you will often find me there.

I love libraries so much that I drag my children there each and every week. And to mix things up a bit, I try to occasionally go to a different branch. Which is what happened yesterday. My usual branch knows and loves my kids (and me, since I volunteer there). My usual branch wouldn't blink an eye if Michael had a screaming fit while we were waiting to check out (has happened). Yesterday was especially frustrating because Lily and Michael were actually being very well behaved.

Experiences like yesterday are not uncommon, unfortunately. It doesn't dissuade me from going, because I go frequently enough to have many many more good experiences than bad. But for my friends who NEVER take their kids? If this was their experience on their first visit? I can see why you wouldn't vote to fund the libraries. And so I'm angry at librarians and staff who are "put out" by patrons...because they are writing their own unemployment check.

Also, librarians who read this blog (and I know there are several)...a question. Why not put a separate check out desk in the children's area? A self-checkout even? Then we could check out books while the children continue playing with the puzzles/computers/puppets. And we wouldn't have to worry about controlling our children in the lines at the front of the library where there are escape doors and sensitive elderly patrons, etc etc. Just curious.

And I'll go back. Maybe not to that particular branch. But I'll go back. If only to return Elephant and Piggie's Can I Play Too...which we've already read 15 times in the last 12 hours.


Heather said...

Some of the libraries around here have self check out in the kids area and I LOVE IT for the exact reasons you state. Ours does not, but self check is literally out the door of the children's department. Glad to hear you weren't scarred for life by Ms. Crankpants!

Kate said...

Great idea!

Memere said...

I love Ohio Libraries. I particularly love one librarian. But really our libraries are friendly and the selection is awesome. It's one thing I love about Ohio. Praying it stays that way.

Emily said...

Some branches in Columbus have self-checkouts in the children's area, which I used to love about the one by our old house. It's a great idea. I also LOVE the idea that your sister implemented for Grab n' Go book packs for those of us who are overwhelmed by the selection and need some suggestions. Too often I come home with a stack of books and feel disappointed in half of them, but I don't have time to peruse with the kids running crazy. Our current library doesn't have either one of those things, but it has other perks.

Andrea said...

P.S. Giselle... I must say I still chuckle a little at one of the books we rented while I was visiting. "Shark VS. Train". Hilarious... it is unfortunate that I will forget about it way before I have children to check it out and read it to! :o)

Kelsey said...

What book was it that you can't get?

Our library does have a self checkout in the children's section! Yea Ohio! I love our library system.