Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's P.S.

Jeff came home from work late last night. He had read my blog at work, so knew his car would be filled with stuff. But he didn't let on, and the kids were so excited and thrilled that we'd "surprised" him. The kids were jittery with their sugar high and somewhat more difficult to put to bed. It took 20 minutes instead of 15 ;) I was upstairs reading with Andrew and I heard dishes clinking. I thought how nice it was for Jeff to clean up the kitchen for me on Valentine's Day.

Imagine my surprise to come downstairs to lights out and candles lit. Champagne on ice and gift bag sitting on the table. Inside the bag was a box of chocolates from our local chocolatier and a mug from the same place.

And so my Valentine and I sat sipping champagne and eating very high end chocolates while talking and reminiscing and playing footsie under the table.

It was absolutely romantic and delightful. Valentine's Day? Jeff for the win!


Heather said...

How sweet and romantic! What a great guy!

CARRIE said...

He's a keeper.

d e v a n said...


bluedaisy said...

I now love your husband! That's fantastic and so, so sweet :)

Kelsey said...

Awesome - you married a good one.