Monday, February 21, 2011

Why there are no pictures of Andrew

I have a feeling that as my blogging life goes on, there will be fewer and fewer pictures of the kids. Mostly I think this because when I ask my 7 year old to let me take a picture of him, I get results like this:

And when I try to take pictures of the 4 year old when the 7 year old is around, they often turn out like this:
Occasionally I get a good shot. Like when I ask to see the gap newly formed in the top row of teeth:

But more often than not, I get pictures like this:

Most days I'm happy if it just turns out like this:

And not this:

Good thing he's all I'm sayin'. Too bad there won't be much photographic evidence of it.
Oh, wait. Here's one.


Anonymous said...

Silly least you have proof that he only has himself to

Kelsey said...

He's still so stinkin' cute though!

It is getting like this with Harper, but it isn't her face, just the way she poses - usually looking like someone has dropped her from a great height and permanently arranged her limbs in an awkward array.