Monday, March 11, 2013

Haven't we done this before?

A few years ago, on Andrew's first day of school, I locked us out of the house.

Yesterday, I did it again.  Only worse this time.

Let's see.  I've got to take the littles to school here in a moment, so I think I'll just list the important elements of the story to save time.

1.  Jeff left for France at noon.

2.  It was a beautiful day.  The children were running in and out of the house all afternoon.

3.  They continued to leave the door to the garage open, so I locked it.  That makes it possible to leave through that door, but not to enter back in.

4.  Do you see where this story is going yet?

5.  I have been taking a class at church, and the 3 kids were going to have to come with me.  At 4:45, I mostly locked up the house, got together our to go bag, left it in the front hall, I shooed the neighborhood kids back home and went outside to help clean up all the toys before we left.

6.  I closed the garage door behind me.

7.  I ran across the street to neighbors that I hardly know (they just moved in last fall).  They let me use their phone to call a locksmith.  Locksmith estimated he'd be there in 20-25 minutes.  No worries!

8.  They left to go out to dinner at 5:30.  No locksmith yet.

9.  We enter the unlocked car to warm up.  Getting cold.  No way to call back the locksmith and find out why they aren't there yet.  Don't want to wander to find another neighbor because I'm certain that is the very moment the locksmith will show up.

10.  At 6:15 a guy shows up in an unmarked sedan.  I'm a little nervous, but he shows me all his credentials before I can even ask.  Apparently, my locksmith got in a car accident about 5 miles away from our house, and they called this guy at home to come out and help me.

11.  We are back in the house at 6:20.

Now...we did have a key with a neighbor...but they moved last summer, and we just haven't thought to give it to anyone else.

And we DID hide a key after that last time, but it was in the grill (don't tell), and when we got a new grill last summer, we kind of didn't replace it.

And yes,  I AM a loser.  Big.  Loser.

Let's just hope that this is the most exciting thing that happens while Jeff is away.

1 comment:

bluedaisy said...

So glad you got back inside! Ugh- now go and hide that key or give it to a neighbor. I am always afraid I will do this and actually can't believe I haven't in a while (now it will happen tomorrow). When Mike and I lived in our second apartment, I did this ALOT.