Sunday, June 14, 2009

I love Kiawah Island

I love Kiawah.

We've been going since I was 12...with a few years off here and there. I always miss it when we don't go for a year. And I'm never disappointed when we go back.

Bringing our kids adds a whole new element. They are now experiencing it for the first time...and I love watching it through their eyes. I occassionally miss going to Charleston for the day or taking long long bike rides or lounging on a boogie board way out in the water for hours on end. But I had years of doing that. Now I'm enjoying hearing my one year old squeal with glee and yell "ook! ook!" at a pelican. Or watching my 2 year old lay down in the surf and giggle and "wave" and the waves. Or seeing the triumph and pride in my 5 year old as he rides his first wave and listen to him boast about catching a crab. Feeling the sandy grit of my baby's hands and he cruises around and around my shoulders...grinning and cooing the whole time. Listening to my girl scream, "I love the beach! I so happy!" even after 30 minutes of cajoling her to get on her swimsuit because "I HATE the beach. I so an-gee!" I love showing them the digging shells in the sand and investigating the dead horseshoe crab on the beach. I feel so satisfied watching them drag back to the house, all rosy from the sun, sandy from head to toe, and just deep to the bones exhausted from all the fun at the beach.

I love Kiawah. And just like in any good relationship, my love grows and changes with the times. We just don't outgrow each other.

Some photos. And keep in mind, it is a lot of work keeping a 5 year old, 2 year old, and 1 year old safe on vacation. I apologize to you and to my future self for not taking more pictures...but there just weren't enough hands for that.

Yes. That is the one year old getting into the beer. Mike was into EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE. Sometimes we took him for a walk or a bike ride just to contain him for a short while. He is a maniac. And charming.
Yes. These are the weird cousins playing with Lily's princess Barbies. They spent most of the time playing with their airplanes, but I had to get them in this silly mood. They had so much fun together. Every year they enjoy each other more...this year Aunt Kate didn't even have to play "missing pizza" with them. Shocker.

We did a little educational boat ride thingy. This picture documents the 10 seconds that Lily spent engaged and listening to Capt. Mike. Andrew peppered him with questions and listened with rapt attention. Perhaps next year I will just take the boy.

Andrew holding a blue crab. Capt. Mike was telling him that you can tell a girl blue crab because she has painted toes just like girl people. Andrew said, "Not that I know of." Hmmmm, perhaps I need to up the feminine side a bit. It's hindering scientific discovery.

Lily mostly whined during the boat ride. Until we got back to the house. Then she talked it up like it was the best thing she'd ever done. A common theme with Lily this whole trip...her memory wasn't the greatest. Just wanted to fight. Always. Grrrrr.

I promise they were having fun. The sun was a bit bright, though.

Andrew riding with the captain. I think he really enjoyed all of Andrew's questions and curiosity. Nothing makes me prouder of Andrew than his polite, respectful, sincere desire to learn from experts. He's really a cool kid.

Lily diggin'

Mike sittin'

Quicksand. Another good way to get him to sit still for one mother-loving minute.

More diggin'

Andrew and his Uncle Greg. And the Nintendo DS. Never was Andrew so annoying. Asking his aunt and uncle every 5 minutes where their "red computer thingy" was. At least learn what it is called. Argh.
Oh, yes. The wildlife. I missed seeing these big bruisers in person, but Jeff got this shot when he took Michael for a bike ride. This one was lounging next to the road until Jeff disturbed it. Uh. Yikes. We did NOT get pictures of the dolphins (I saw one about 8 feet away from me the one time I went out into the ocean waist deep). Nor did we get a picture of the shark that was swimming in knee-high water...mere feet away from Andrew while he surfed the waves with Jeff (Jeff got him quickly out of the water where we watched the shark from a safe distance).

Night walk on the beach. Not that you could tell we were on the beach. Someday I'll learn to use my camera.


Joanne said...

I love it! I wish we had a fun vacation tradition that we could pass on to our kids! Kiawah Island sounds like so much fun!

Andrea said...

I really wish I could have been there! What stinks the most is that I COULD have been there... but being the BEST sister in the world- I decided not to give all of my nephews and niece chickenpox! :o)

It sounds like you were very busy, but had a great time! The kids sound so cute! I can't believe Andrew is the same age I was the first time I went to Kiawah! (I'll have to tell him that!)

Anonymous said...

I feel relaxed and rejuvenated just reading about your vacation! I really need to suck it up and brave a camping trip with the kids. They would absolutely love everything about it. Glad you enjoyed me when you can find your phone under all the car vomit. :)

Angie said...

OMG - I actually shrieked at the pic of the alligator. I would DIE seeing that on the side of the road. Sounds like a wonderful vacation :)!!

Michelle said...

Sounds like an amazing time! You are a brave woman to do that with three little ones in tote! I can barely do the local Walmart with just one!