Sunday, March 14, 2010

With spring comes rain...

...and rain and rain and more rain.

This weekend brought a lot of wetness. We even have a leaking ceiling...not due to roof failure, but due to the sideways rain coming through grate on the side of our house into our attic. Lovely.

We have been doing a lot of hibernating this weekend. Well, Andrew hasn't. He went to a basketball game on Saturday and tried ice skating on Sunday. But the rest of us have been doing a lot of this:

I found these two like this. How cute? Shadow the pillow. Lily loves this dog more than she loves me, I think.
She would never cuddle this much with me, anyway.
Mikey didn't even get out of his pj's today...
But last week...last week we enjoyed some good, spring-time teasing. We were outside a lot. And I actually brought my camera with me one of those days... Enjoy! We're looking forward to more of this...


bluedaisy said...

We did the same and it was lovely! I will be very happy when warmer weather is around for good :) Cute photos!

CARRIE said...

Mother Nature teased us too, but now it is cool and rainy. And N is sick. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Straight from loads of snow to buckets of rain?! You deserve an award for keeping your kids entertained while stuck indoors all winter.

I probably shouldn't tell you this was 82 degrees today...we busted out the shorts and t-shirts ;)

Andrea said...

Man my nephews and niece sure are cute!! I miss them terribly!