Thursday, March 04, 2010

You know

You know you keep the house cold when you casually mention that you feel chilly while eating dinner and your husband bolts up out of his chair and runs to the thermostat saying, "I'll turn it right up."

You know the toddler is growing up when he starts to wipe your kisses off and smile mischievously as he does it.

You know your Kindergartner is strange when you are watching a horrible live action Little Pony's movie and he says, "Even though it was a bad movie, I've gotta respect the way the movie was made, with the acting and sets and things."

You know your husband is frustrated at work, when he throws the basket of tea into the pot of rice when you ask him how his day was.

You know your aggravating toddler girl is finally becoming a charming little girl when you find her dancing with an imaginary prince in the kitchen.

You know the littles are finding their own dynamic when they chat and giggle and enjoy each other while eating a snack.

You know that Kelloggs is spying on your family when they create the most perfect cereal ever created for your daughter: Chocolate Mini-wheats (6 grams of fiber per serving! I won't say how much sugar!)

You know it's been a long winter when you and the kids declare it is too warm for coats...and it is 39 degrees outside.

You know you need to stop visiting pet stores when it starts to seem like a good idea to get another dog.

You know you love your husband when his misery makes you search for 45 minutes looking for a job for yourself so he can stop feeling so responsible for the family. So what if it was jobs in Ohio.

You know Giselle's monitor is working again when you read a long boring post about nothing.


d e v a n said...

Good to see you back. :) Stay out of pet stores. LOL

Joanne said...

Ha ha! I've been doing the pet thing, too! I figure that since we can't have any more babies in the house, we might as well have a puppy! I don't think Kevin is on board, though...

CARRIE said...

Hurray for working monitors!!!

Karen said...

Very funny and several fit my family too! We actually just bought that chocolate mini wheat cereal today for the first time after getting free samples in the store.

Anonymous said...

Dancing with a it! So did you find a position as a librarian in Ohio? If you need an assistant just gimme a call ;)

(oh my fun would that be to work in a library together! If our husbands die young we're totally being old, widowed librarians together:)

Sarah said...

Sorry your hubby is having a rough time at his job. :( That really sucks.
And yes, stay out of pet stores, for the love of pete!