Thursday, April 15, 2010


I'm still crabby (since yesterday...our cabinets are in, even though they weren't supposed to be in until June and I spent over an hour yesterday jockeying between the delivery company, Lowes, and the cabinet company...I got a new thermometer which apparently has a dead battery already...I locked my keys in the car last night, but didn't discover it until this morning when I had hassled all the children into shoes, packed a picnic lunch, and gotten them all excited to leave)

But this morning, as I crabbed, I also watched Michael jet around. He is most 2 year old boys are. His attention span is so incredibly short, but he easily transitions from activity to activity by himself, so it doesn't really affect me. Here is Michael's morning as I observed it today:

7:00- I hear him calling, "Ma! Ma! Maaaaaa!" and rattlin' the bars of his cage.

7:05- I bring him a cup of milk. Michael's day doesn't start until he's had his cup of milk...he refuses to look at you, talk with you...nothing until he has that cup in his hand. It is oddly reminiscent of my mother and her cup of coffee... ;) While he guzzles his milk, I change his 15 lb. diaper.

7:10- Downstairs. He points out everyone, "Ah-nee (Andrew), Eee-ee (Lily), Shaoo (Shadow), Where Da?" Then he runs to the tv remote and says "Tee? Tee?" (I'm not proud, people...but our life is what it is).

7:15- I turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, plant Michael in his high chair and give him waffles. He pushes aside the waffles, points at the empty spot and says, "Dih? Dih?" (dip? dip?) Syrup is poured. He happily watches the show and chows down.

7:30- "Dow! Dow! Coff! Han han." (down down, washcloth, hands). He is done with breakfast...and tv.

7:31- Comes running through the kitchen holding a Matchbox airplane in each hand. Saying, "Ah-un! Ah-un!" his word for airplane. He continues to say it and fly the planes over his head until I acknowledge it. He flies them into the toy room, where I hear them drop to the floor.

7:35- Comes back into the kitchen holding a stethoscope saying, "Boomboom-boomboom".

7:35-7:38- Brings me each piece of the doctor's kit one by one...drops them on the floor.

7:38-Instead of a doctor's tool, brings me a box of puzzles...dress a bear ones. Says, "Bear?" I instruct him to help me carry all the doctor's stuff back to the toy room and then I get out the puzzle for him

7:40- After throwing all the puzzles pieces to the floor (one by one), he points to his wooden blocks and says, "Block? Play?"

7:40-7:45- We build a road/parking garage/tunnel thingy for his Matchbox cars out of wooden blocks. Until Lily comes in and unceremoniously kicks the whole thing down.

7:46- Mike has a screaming fit...understandably

7:47- Mike brings me a cup of tea. We do "cheers" between sips.

7:50- I sit in the big brown chair. Mike climbs over the top and down into the seat next to me then down and up and down and up.

7:53- He stays put for second and pats his lap saying, "Shaoo, Shaoo." over and over until I put the dog in his lap. He giggles and then squirms away.

7:55- He runs to the fridge and opens it. Grabs a drinkable yogurt. Says, "Yo? Yo?" Screams when I take it from him to put a straw in it. Screams when I walk away without putting a straw in it. Doesn't want a straw, but doesn't want no straw. Mommy walks away anyway.

7:56- Mike brings yogurt to me and says, "Raw?" (straw) Begins to drink yogurt.

7:57- Spies Andrew coloring. Says, "Raw?" (which means draw in this context). Climbs into a chair while I get him paper and crayons.

7:59- Knocks over the tower of crayons that he was trying to build. Carries a stack of crayons to the couch. Has a fit when I take the crayons back to the table.

8:00- Whoo-hoo! Michael has officially been awake for one hour! with a 2 year old...


Sara said...

I am reading this and laughing as Kelly methodically examines my alarm clock! I wondered how much of a time span you would/could document--gotta love toddlers!

CARRIE said...

Thoroughly enjoyed his hour!

Anonymous said... do they do it?!?! And I'm very impressed with your memory. I live in a fog half the time and I don't think I could recall the way you do.

Yeah, new cabinets! How do you like them?