Monday, October 18, 2010

Some business to take care of...

So I have a few things to mention about the last week or so that I kind of didn't. Not because they are super exciting or anything...just too distracted by meeting Little Giselle. ;)

First order of business...we are not moving. Right now anyway. I am mostly relieved. Because we kind of figured he wasn't going to get it (they told us the person had to start Oct. 1 at the latest...and we didn't hear until the 2nd week of October), and it was just nice to officially close the book on that one. Now I can get back to just pretending that we're going to be here forever. Until I look at something major that needs fixing with the house, in which case I conveniently think, "Oh, we won't need to worry about that...we'll be gone by then." It's sometimes a nice fantasy that I live in. ;)

Second order of business...birthday pictures:

Nothing like bad hair and birthday presents delivered in a laundry basket to make the pictures more special and magical. No cake pictures...because why do I need even more photographic evidence that I ruin box cake mixes?

Third order of business: Last weekend we drove 2 hours to visit Big Pocono and take a hike. The drive itself was a thing of beauty. Lily complained the whole time...and we knew she was crazy when she actually complained about having to watch a movie in the car. The trails shot off from this incredible parking lot at the top of the mountain...with 360 degree views. We marched the kids through picturesque rocky landscape with peek-a-boo views of the lower lying valley. Incredibly beautiful. We were probably a week or so too early for the fall foliage display. Lily complained the ENTIRE TIME. Mikey was a trouper and walked quite a bit of it...although he really just wanted to climb up on every boulder he saw (there were a lot of boulders). We sang songs, collected acorns and leaves in our beach buckets and enjoyed some beautiful nature. In the end, we think the hike was about 2 miles. So I'm proud of them...complaining and all. At the end, as we sat to eat our picnic lunch, Lily "The Whiner" exclaimed, "This was such a great day!"
Some of the view from the parking lot. The brush you see in front of the kids is actually the tops of trees heading down the mountain. This was literally the flat top of the mountain.
Lily and Andrew early on in the hike...before we were cajoling them to move, they were running ahead, eager to get lost in the woods without us.

My camera skills suck. It was me.
Mike was determined to fit all these rocks in his bucket.

Fourth order of business: Andrew has been playing soccer. He is really fun to watch. And he is holding his own in the 6,7,8 league. He loves being goalie...and never asks to be offense (too tiring, he says).

Fifth order of business: My friend Elizabeth was invited over for dinner last Sunday. She wanted to make a princess cake for Lily (knowing that Lily's mother is cake-retarded). I instead got a little stomach virus on Sunday and spent the day sleeping and worshipping the porcelain God. Elizabeth brought the cake over Monday night...and couldn't even enjoy it with Lily. And apparently I can't even clear off the counter to take pictures of this incredible cake.

Sixth order of business: Pictures of the inside of the mansion at Smith's Play Place:

Seventh order of business: Is this girl looking grown up, or what? She went to the doctor for her check-up this week. 50th percentile weight and height. She was a completely different kid at the doctor than at her 3 year old appointment. Agreeable and following directions. Took her shots like a pro, easy to reason with. I was so proud of her and it was amazing to think how far she's come. We are going to the optomotrist in a week to check her wasn't terrible, but with her inability to place her feet, we want to make sure her clumsinest is just genetic and not also vision related.


Joanne said...

Girl, I do the same thing with home repairs. "What? Stain the fence? We won't be here long enough for that!" Except, this time, we will. Odd to think that at the 2-year mark, we won't be looking for the next job in the next city (or state)! I always knew we had a lot in common, but more and more things are cropping up, my friend!

CARRIE said...

Thanks for catching us up on everything.
I want one of those play places here.

ttsc said...

It's my first time reading your blog, nice to meet you. Your kids are adorable. Is that a pillow pal she got for her bday? My daughter is dying for one for xmas.

Kelsey said...

I second the desire for a play place like that - loved all the pictures!