Saturday, October 02, 2010

Fire house!

Friday, my MOM's club went to the local fire station. I picked up Andrew from the bus stop and rushed over, despite the fact that Andrew has been to fire stations approximately 3,004 times in his life. But it was at 4:30 pm, and I knew Michael couldn't miss it.

Michael was not disappointing. Every time the fireman said anything, Mike would turn around and smile this huge smile...occasionally putting his hands up to his cheeks a-la-HomeAlone.
Once he got a hat, he refused to take it off. I've never had a kid that didn't get annoyed by the little elastic strap. Just look at the joy in his face:

Andrew had a good time too...he answered a lot of questions without being too annoying. And he was a sport and posed for a picture with the hat on.

I also let him have the camera for a little while. Which is why we got stellar shots like this:

And this:

I finally got all 3 in the truck at the same time. And this is the best shot I got:

It was all fun and games until they closed up the truck and told us we had to leave. Michael was not happy...he was ready to join the company and live at the fire station.

Only 14 more years or so, buddy.


Aunt Sara said...

That picture of Michael crying is priceless. I can't wait to embarrass him with it at his graduation, wedding etc. :)

CARRIE said...

Poor little guy. You know he had a good time when that is how he feels when it ends!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, poor Mikey! You can just see the ache in his little heart :(