Monday, February 28, 2011

Goodbye crib

I am so inexplicably sad. Michael switched to a twin bed this weekend, and he never looked back. He watched his dad disassemble it without an issue and then happily jumped on the new bed when it was put together. Andrew and Lily were soooooo excited for almost made me cry. He went to bed Saturday night with no issues and slept 11 hours. He napped for almost 3 hours on Sunday, with no issues getting to sleep. And again with the 11 hours last night. I hear him in there talking and singing. He looks so small in that big bed. But he's not really that small anymore. He's growing up.

So the crib is gone. Pushed into a corner of the basement for the first time. It's been up in our house for 8 years...not that long, I guess. But I feel like it is the end of an era. I'm feeling very over-dramatic and "girly" about it. I'm having a crisis of mortality. Like, "Oh my God, I will never have another baby and will soon be dead."

Of course, 15 minutes after the new bed was up, Jeff and I were sitting at the kitchen table and I was holding back tears. Upstairs, the 3 kids started screaming and fighting over who got to be under the cover and someone pushed someone else into the wall and then Andrew growled and scared somebody, etc etc. Listening to the endless fighting I actually thought, "How long until they leave for college?"

So I know that I am romanticizing this whole crib thing. There are many not so nice memories surrounding this piece of furniture. Like cleaning vomit off of each rung after a stomach virus. Or creeping out after lying the baby down, hoping that they would just stay asleep for the love of God.

I love watching my kids get older. They get more interesting and more fun with each passing year. But, oh, how I love babies. How I loved MY babies especially. So I'm a little sad. And really really wishing I lived closer to our siblings so I could steal future nieces and nephews to satisfy my baby cravings. And to give me an excuse to keep this crib around. ;) Sara? Chad? Andrea? Any of you want to move to PA?


CARRIE said...

It makes me sad reading this and thinking about not having cribs in our house.

Part of the reason I wanted 3 kids is because I wanted to feel "done," and I didn't feel done after G was born. I thought that I would be so sick of a stage after going through it 3 times that I would be elated to move on. And to some extent that is true...I have had no problem consigning baby clothes and baby toys. But M is still very much baby-like...still nursing and looking babyish.

So once he looks like a little boy and acts more like a little boy than a baby and THEN we get rid of his crib....I will be sobbing too, I bet.

Devan said...

Aw, we had two cribs and just got rid of ONE a few months ago and it was a little sad. It will be very weird to have a house with no crib when Miss L gets bigger.
I'm glad the transition was smooth though!

bluedaisy said...

Am I going to feel this way when Chloe transitions? We've had at least one crib up in our house for almost 5 years :( I will call you to coach me through the baby fever that will likely set in, okay?

Aunt Sara said...

Sorry Giselle, PA is a little too cold for me in the winter... How do you feel about Texas?

Kelsey said...

You know what is funny? I am often really, really sad about no more babies. But we took Michael's crib down a few weeks ago when my mom was here and I didn't even THINK about it in any sad way. Strange, right?