Friday, March 04, 2011

Fast takes...

-- Around here, we have ice pops around for injured mouths, fingers, head cold remedies, etc. They are as effective as boo-boo bunnies and bandaids for miraculously curing ailments. Lily had a head cold last week, and in order to get some fluids in her she was eating an ice pop. Michael immediately came up to me holding his index finger saying weakly, "Ma? My finger hurt. So hurt. Poor finger. Need popsicle."

--Lily has finally clicked with another child at pre-school. Two weeks ago we invited little M to play at our house, and the girls have been inseparable since. Lily makes pictures for her and talks about playing mermaids and princesses with her at school. Lily is also no longer fighting about going to school. Not a coincidence. Today I mentioned it to her teachers, and they said that they have to separate the girls a lot because they won't stop talking and giggling. -sigh- One extreme to the other.

-- I was talking to Andrew about S____n Summer Camp happening again this year. I want to change it up, and instead of having "wet n wild Wednesday" etc., I'm thinking about picking a topic or theme each week and then exploring that topic through art, science, games, etc. Like for July 4th week, we could visit Independence Hall, and decorate our bikes and have a parade, make a red white and blue flag cake, etc etc. I told him that I'd appreciate any ideas he had for themes. He nodded seriously and said, "That sounds good. But every once in a while I might want to do an independent study."

-- Lily got a paper cut on her knuckle yesterday. You would have thought someone put her in a bathtub of ice and stole her kidney, the way she was screaming. After I kissed it and bandaged it up, she declared, "I am never reading a book ever again."

-- I was eating dinner with the kids and Michael reached for my glass of milk. I gasped and dramatically said, "Excuse me? What do you think you are doing?" Michael said clearly, "Cu-P" and reached for the glass again. Because a while back, that was how we were encouraging him to add the ending. Silly.


Kelsey said...

Loved these Giselle! My favs are Lily never reading again and Andrew's request for an independent study. HA!

bluedaisy said...

I also love this post! The independent study? Maybe you should ask him if he wants to be an adjunct professor for the Summer II Session?