Thursday, March 31, 2011

Michael Row Your Boat Ashore

Andrew loves to torment his sister. Not Michael...he will do anything for Michael. But he loves to make Lily scream and moan. He thinks of psychological torture that sends her into rages like no one else can. But I know he loves her more than he loves to make her mad. Below is an example of his soft nature:


We have discovered the song with Michael's name in it. I dusted off a children's CD that I didn't know we had and when this song came up, Michael lit up and kept repeating, "Di so ha my nay in ih." (this song has my name in it). He was more than thrilled. And it led to this conversation:

Lily: When does the song with my name come on?

Giselle: Well, there isn't a song with Lily in it on this CD. Michael is the name of a famous angel, and that is who the song is probably about.

Andrew: Someone famous in the Bible has my name too, right?

G: Yes, one of Jesus's disciples was named Andrew. I think it was Peter's brother.

Lily: Who has my name in the Bible?

G: No one. Lily isn't a religious name.

Andrew: Don't worry, Lily. Your name is a symbol of Easter...the Easter Lily. That's really special.

Lily beams happily at that.

What an amazing brother. What an amazing person. Oh, how I love my little Andrew. ;)


bluedaisy said...

Love it! An Easter Lily! Sometimes they are sweet to each other at just the right time. Very glad you got your spacing issues worked out- that has happened to me a few times but I usually just start over b/c I can't figure it out either :(

HawleyFamily said...

melt melt melt!!!!!!! :)

Kelsey said...

Andrew is a really amazing brother!

Just wait until she starts to date...