Monday, January 07, 2013

My new love of sports

Me and sports...well, we haven't mixed in the last 35 years.

I am just not interested.  I can't even bring myself to care even a little teeny tiny bit.

I have no coordination or athletic ability at all.  My 4th grade gym teacher even told my parents I ran wrong. I played on exactly zero sports teams.  Never.  Not even soccer in elementary school like the rest of America.  (Unless you count "Lou's Lambs" church softball team freshman year in high school.  I don't).

I went to every single high school football game.  And never learned the rules of football.

I went to basketball games in college.  I famously called out, "What a great layover!"  Meaning turnover...I think.

I married Jeff.  Whenever our tv is taken over by sports, I read.  Or leave the room.  I just. don't. care.

And then.

My Andrew started to play sports.  He is in basketball this winter.  He is on an intramural team and a travel team.  That is 2 practices and 2 games (at least) each week.

And I look forward to watching those games almost more than anything else in my week.

I can't explain it.  I sit on the edge of my seat and cheer on Andrew and his teammates.  And the boys on the opposing team also.  Who can't cheer when a 9 year old boy makes a great shot?  Who cares what team he's on.

I am learning how the game works by watching the boys learn each little thing.  I'm learning the penalties and fouls by watching the boys learn step by step.  I am riveted the entire game.

I burst with pride as I watch Andrew do AMAZING.  He is no longer the dramatic, injury-prone, sore loser.  He bounces up from injuries (which are few) and desperately wants to play.  He stands up and watches and cheer on the game when it is his turn to be on the sidelines  When it's his turn on the court, he comes alive.  He is an incredible defender...always on his man and where he needs to be.  He listens to his coaches, internalizes it, and puts it into action on the court.  He in the rebound king, using his height to just reach over the other boys' heads and snatch the ball in mid-air.  He breaks away to the other end of the court.  He needs to work on his shooting...but he's very good at passing and often will make an amazing pass to one of the shooters on his team.  I am in awe of everything he can do...knowing just how hard it I could never do it.

I watch college basketball with new eyes.  These big competent men are someone's babies.  Some proud set of parents out there have watched them since they were little guys. (I still have trouble watching an entire game's not MY baby out there, after all.)

This is something new to me.  Enjoying sports.  Just another thing that having children has changed deep down to the core of me.  Basketball.  Who knew?


CARRIE said...

I will have to take back every snarky thing I ever posted on FB when one or the other of my kids takes an interest in sports. Darn it.

Jeff said...

I believe that you combined "layup" and "turnover", both of which are basketball terms, into "layover" - which is not.

MIL said...

Jeff speaks.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean when you say there is no other place you'd rather be than watching him. I feel the same way about my 8 year old's sports. He's been playing 3 sports (basketball, baseball, AND football) for 3-4 years, so I've felt this way a while. I was fairly athletic during school, so I already enjoyed sports, but it a whole new thing when it is your baby out there. I just love it.
