Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Grandpa's house/Smart kid

We went to Sears to buy a new garage door opener.  Why we went as a whole family?  Inexplicable.

We are walking through the tools department, and Lily says, "Are we at Grandpa's house?"

I don't think we need to buy Grandpa any more tools for Christmas.  Lily literally thinks he lives at Sears.


Earlier this week, I made spinach lasagna for dinner.  I automatically make cheese ravioli for the kids.

Andrew says, "I don't really like ravioli much."

I say, "You are welcome to have lasagna like us."

He says, "Great!"

I put a plate of spinach lasagna in front of him.  He quietly looks at it and says, "Oh!  This is not what I expected.  Thanks!"

Smart boy.  He's learned the wrath of Mom when disgusted sounds come out of his mouth about something I've cooked.

Michael ate his lasagna for him.

1 comment:

Aunt Sara said...

Lily's right, Grandpa does have about as many tools as Sears!