Wednesday, February 06, 2008


So, um, I kind of fell down half a flight of steps today. Oops.

Okay, so it wasn't a full half a flight...maybe just 6 steps. Hardwood. I was carrying Lily down and we were at a friend's house so I wasn't quite familiar with the lay of the land. My feet slipped right out from under me and I kind of bounced down the steps on my back and butt. Oops.

Lily was terrified, but unharmed. Baby boy was pissed (judging by the violent kicking right after the fall), but unharmed. I went into the doctor to check him out just in case...and he's fine. Full of attitude, as usual. He was quiet while they were monitoring his heartrate, and just when the nurse asked if I'd felt him move, he kicked the doppler thingy so hard it bounced out of place. Little comedian already.

Momma is sore. Like I've been run over by a truck. I'm sure the soreness I have now is NOTHING compared to what I'll have tomorrow morning.

Lovely. It's great to be a klutz. I believe the last time I fell down a flight of steps was 2 days before my wedding. Yup. I have great timing.


Andrea said...

Glad you are all okay!
I took 2 tumbles while pregnant with Joey - one off a chair and one trying to pick up Rachel - I wobbled like a Weeble (except I did fall down).
Glad you went and got checked out though! Joey decidded to NOT move after my bigger fall and we landed in L&D to the tune of $200 just to hear his HB (I guess that's what I get for falling on a Sunday!)

Kelsey said...

I'm glad you're all okay -- that would be scary!

Erin said...

Oh Giselle. That seriously sucks. I'm sorry and I hope you can take some tylenol? In leiu of, you know, 6 ounces of tequila.

That is so scary. I have that normal but terrifying fear of falling on the stairs while carrying a child. So SO glad everyone is okay.

Joanne said...

How scary! I'm glad that you went and got checked out to be boy being pissed is a good thing!

Hope you're feeling okay! I fell down about half a flight of stairs in November (thankfully I wasn't carrying Owen or, you know, pregnant!) and it totally sucks! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you don't have the lovely black to green to yellow bruises that I did! ;-)