Saturday, December 26, 2009

Other photos...and a See ya next year!

Here are some photos from the middle of December, while I went on my unofficial blogging break. And then we leave later this morning for Ohio, so I will be on another blogging break until 2010. So you can look forward to a break from my usual whining and blogging about bodily functions, depression, and other sundries until then ;)

Cookies. Iced. Made while all three children were awake. With their help. With no other adults in the house. If my children ever say I don't love them...

I adore my little tiny bird feeder in the front. And we have a new and very enthusiastic bird watcher in the family now. The first few days he would SQUEAL and bang on the windows. Now he just squeaks a little and points them out. Very cute.

Looking UP in the tree where one flew.

Pointing them out and telling me about it.

Did you hear about the snow in the Mid-Atlantic? Yes? News coverage proclaimed the end of times, and created a panic amongst our family and a rush to the local stores. And then it actually snowed...a lot. What fun! Here's the first day, when it hadn't really accumulated yet.
Sure, sure, they love each other.
Michael doesn't have proper boots...or the desire to keep on he and I chilled out inside.

The next day, there was considerably more snow. 12 inches, I think. In Philly there was 23 inches. It took us 2 1/2 hours to shovel our measly driveway and sidewalks. But it was cozy and magical all at the same time. Until the end of the day when we were at 23 hours trapped inside with the children. Not quite as magical ;)
My mom and dad actually made it in the day after the snow storm. Here's my dad sleeping with Lily during a nap.

Memere reading with the older two. Separate books. Talented lady.
Michael's new preferred "private elimination" corner. Except this one is in the corner of the eating area in the kitchen. He can roll that cart in front of him though. He just squats there and holds his nose and tells us, "No!" when we look at him. Subtle.
The snow storm postponed Andrew's church Christmas play until Christmas Eve service. It was magical and lovely and the perfect time to watch children bumble through lines and get dressed up. Nothing like the innocence of children to remind us of the true meaning of the season.
Andrew up on the altar to sing with the Kindergartners. You can see that he is one of the wise men. And he had a line. That he had to speak into a microphone in front of the whole church...filled up for Christmas. He did better than some of the junior high kids. He has come a long way, baby. And he is stinkin' cute.

Walking down the aisle to bring baby Jesus his gifts.

After his play was over, he joined us to finish the service. We sang carols and turned off the lights so we could do it all by candlelight. He was mesmerized by the flame and this picture doesn't do justice to how beautiful he was lit up by only candlelight. Thank you to my father for staying home with Lily and Michael while they slept so I could experience this wonderful Christmas Eve with my Andrew.
Michael woke up 2 hours later than the other children, so I helped him open his gifts while Jeff was a bit occupied by others. So no still shots of Mikey opening his gifts. He was bewildered by all the gifts, but quickly got into it and was so much fun to watch. He protested his sister taking his toys, but got back by taking HER toys. He has already eaten 3 of his 4 bags of Gushers (fruit snacks) that were in his stocking. Gushers were the hit of the stockings this year. He also has already eaten his and Lily's chapsticks. Yum!
Mikey and his basketball hoop...his gift from Santa this year. LOVES it. Andrew has already broken it...but hopefully he now knows he's too big to dunk. Michael is the perfect size for dunking.

Look at this poor pathetic mutt in her snuggie. She looks so...ASHAMED in it. As if she is thinking, "Isn't this just a robe? Just a robe on backwards?"

At least she has someone to share her shame with. Except her Snuggie buddy is slightly jealous of her Velcro closures. He's kind of thinking of adding those to his Snuggie.

Off to Ohio! Have a good New Year!

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