Tuesday, January 18, 2011

At least my house is clean...

Andrew has no school again today. Last week there was a snow day on Wednesday and then a teacher in-service day on Friday. Yesterday was MLK day and today...another snow day. Ugh. Just ugh.

But as the title suggests...at least my house is clean. I am seriously avoiding the children. Well, not really, but I swear that at least 60% of the time if I am elbow deep in a cleaning project they happily play alone. It is at the mere whiff that I am not working my tail off that they jump on me like a puppy on a chicken bone.

So my house is clean. Except for the floors. Because what is the point of mopping floors when the dog is coming in with snowy feet every hour?

My little sister is coming for a visit on Thursday. Good news: weather should be fine by then. Bad news: All this "togetherness" with my children may lead to me foaming at the mouth and acting like I need to be committed. If I ever want another niece or nephew, I've got to pull it together and make it look like this parenting thing is The. Best. Decision. Ever. Which it is. Except on consecutive snow/sick days. :)

So...off to look busy again. The children are starting to notice that I'm sitting down...no! I can't play neighbor again. I'm busy...dusting the floor boards. See how busy I am!?!


Anonymous said...

Another day off school?! Sounds painful. Have your kids seen "Despicable Me"? We got it last Friday when we had no school and they watched it all weekend. Over and over. My kids think it's hilarious. They even act it out when they're not watching it. Oh, wait, I mean, don't sit your kids in front of TV for hours on end, it will rot their brains. But it will save your sanity ;)

Andrea said...

I can't wait!! And I know I MUST be forgetting a bunch of stuff, because my winter coat fit on my small carry-on with NO problem!?

CARRIE said...

AMEN!! N has had either a snow day or a sick day (or sometimes both) every week since December 13th. I am about beside myself because I am so sick of being cooped up in the house with kids. What I wouldn't give for some spring weather so they can run and get all their pent up energy out.