Monday, January 31, 2011

California dreamin'

We moved to Cincinnati when I was 9. The moving truck came to our house on my birthday, in fact. I was...ahem...NOT happy.

But there was a delightful Australian family that lived across the street from our new house. They had a daughter, Elizabeth, who was 2 years younger than me. However, I was always a bit behind the curve of girls my age, so it was a perfect fit.

I have loads and loads of memories growing up with Elizabeth. I remember swimming for hours and hours in her pool, playing mermaids or trying to bounce each other off the inflatable rafts. Playing "house" or "doctor" or any of the countless pretend games in my basement (where does Lily get it from, I wonder?). Reading through her voluminous collection of Berenstain Bears books. Walking her dog Aussie around the neighborhood barefoot...returning with stained toe nails because of popping tar bubbles with our toes. Worrying horribly when she and her mother were in a traumatic car accident and she got countless stitches in her forehead. Sitting around her kitchen table, listening to Elizabeth seamlessly switch from an American accent to an Australian one (depending on if she was talking to me or her parents). Eating Nutella (happily) and Vegemite (unhappily). Playing a card game and laughing uncontrollably because she looked so ridiculous after her face swelled up from a bee sting. Watching a snake eat a baby bird a tree by her house. Dressing up with make-up and crazy hair styles and trying to fool the neighbors into thinking we were new to the neighborhood (but we looked so different! How could they tell it was us???).

Need I go on?

Elizabeth and her family moved to San Diego when I was a junior in high school. We had grown understandably apart as we got older...once I became a band geek and she a solid athlete, we had less in common. But there never was a time I didn't enjoy her company.

I went and visited her in San Diego during winter break my junior year of college. We had a great time exploring Del Mar and taking a trolley tour of San Diego and playing games and doing puzzles. I remember thinking, "This is such a nice place to visit...I certainly wouldn't want to live here."

One year later, I found out that I would be moving (near) there. And Elizabeth and her family were our adopted family in many ways once Jeff and I were living in Orange County. I have pictures of Elizabeth holding Andrew as a baby.

And then we moved away. And I haven't even talked to Elizabeth. Very life gets in the way. But I knew everything happening with her...since our mothers are still the best of friends.

So I already knew she was getting married when I received her wedding invitation in October. I was surprised to be invited...which Elizabeth apparently knew I would be, since she included a sweet personalized note. And I mentioned to Jeff that as crazy as it seemed, I really wanted to go witness my childhood friend get married. And he dug up some unused frequent flyer miles and told me I should do it.

And so on Friday I am going. It will be nice to enjoy the sunny weather of California, nice to have a weekend away from the kids. It will be nice to mooch off my parents like a teenager and nice to relax and enjoy a long flight cross country. But it will be especially nice to revisit my happy childhood with an old, special friend and her family.


d e v a n said...

I hope you have SO much fun!

bluedaisy said...

True friendships can endure the tests of time and distance...some friends just get it. I am so excited for you!!

Elizabeth said...

You have a good memory! I'd forgotten about trying to fool the neighbors into thinking we were new to the neighborhood (I also remember playing four-square with your dad, your cactus "Miss Prick", and putting on plays in my basement). It really is amazing that two kids with such different interests got on so well. I couldn't have asked for a better childhood friend and I'm thrilled that you've found a way to come out here for my wedding :-)

HawleyFamily said...

How FUN!!!! I love those friendships that can pick up right where they left off. :)

Anonymous said...

What fun memories! I'm so glad you get to be with your friend on her wedding day. And not just because we get to do lunch while you're out here ;) Though of course I am looking forward to it!

Kate said...

The bee sting! I hadn't thought of that one for a while. It was the same time I looked like a chipmunk w/ my wisdom teeth out-- and you kept making the two of us laugh--very painful. I also remember blasting the stereo from our windows and putting on shows on the front lawn (until we were asked to turn it down). I also remember babysitting and sleeping on the couch in their living room. And listening to the family contantly telling Aussie "On your mat!" We lucked out with the MD family across the street. They've always been like family. Give Elizabeth and the family a big hug from us!

Sarah said...

I feel like it is fate that you posted about this, 'cause I have a wedding coming up in April, for a friend I was very close with in high school but don't talk to much anymore, and I am SO torn about whether or not to go. It's very far, I'd have to fly, I'd be away from home and the baby for two days, I'd have to pump the whole time I was gone, and get through the airport nonsense with the pump and the frozen milk... And yet, he's my FRIEND. I feel like I should be there.
At any rate, thanks for posting this, and I hope you have a fantastic time!

Joanne said...

What a sweet trip down memory lane! I am thrilled on your behalf that you found a way to go to the wedding! Have a great time!

Kelsey said...

I loved that glimpse into your childhood Giselle!

I bet you're on your way home as I type and I hope you'll let us know how the weekend went.