Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Yes Day!

We have a new book in the house...Yes Day!  The premise is that this little boy gets one day a year where his parents will say yes to anything he asks.  In the front of the book there is a little calendar where all the days of the month are variations of No...Not on your life day...Go ask your father day...What part of no don't you understand day...etc.  Until the last day of the month...which is yes day.

Andrew quickly figured out that this calendar had 30 days in the month and that based on the activities they do it is in the summer.  So Yes day must be June 30.  And he and Lily asked if we could have a Yes day on June 30th.  We will be in Kiawah that day this year, so I agreed.  Lily and Andrew have been so excited...they are already planning what they will ask for that day.

Last night, Lily was tired.  She'd had a big day of swim lessons and school and running to Andrew's swim lesson, etc.  She didn't want her dinner of chicken nuggets, and so she accepted that she wouldn't be getting chocolate milk before bed.  A few minutes after leaving the table she asked if she could play on my Kindle.  I said no, because they'd already played with it quite a bit that afternoon.  She went to the steps and quietly cried.  She insisted she was okay.  She came up a few minutes later and asked if she could have a piece of gum.  I said no, because it was almost bedtime.  Her shoulders slumped, her head dropped, and she sadly muttered, "It's like it's a No day."  She was so so sad.  I asked if she needed a hug, and she sobbed into my shoulder. 

It was so stinkin' cute and sad all rolled up into one.  So I let her play Kindle for a little bit.  I'm not a monster.


CARRIE said...

Some days are like that...even in Newtown PA.

bluedaisy said...

I am so NOT telling my kids about Yes Day!

Pamela said...

You're a brave mama. Do parents get a Yes Day?

Grandma said...

You are brave and you have smart children so Yes Day could be very interesting!