Sunday, October 14, 2007


I've been getting some pressure from my son. The pressure to decorate.

I don't decorate. My house is much like myself. Plain, unadorned, comfortable, a bit shabby. Weeds growing long on the outside (my hair is the weed...join me in this analogy, won't you?). No color brightening up the place. Just simple functionality. I have the same broken shades on the windows...because even though they are broken, they still block out the sun. Functional. I haven't bought curtains because I can't figure out what function they serve. I appreciate beauty for beauty's sake in other people's homes. I just don't care in my own home. Until guests come over. But I can't exactly excuse myself from a dinner party to go and order paint and curtains, can I? Once they leave, my motivation follows them quickly out the door...and I once again no longer care that my house isn't pretty. Such is my life. I don't care that I'm not pretty...until there is a special function that I want to get gussied up for. Then I really wish I had a hair style or the skills to put on makeup or the actual makeup to put on. Once the function is over...yup, you guessed it...I no longer care. It's a never-ending cycle.

The once exception to this is Christmas time. I am a little looney for Christmas decorations. My joy in snowmen and wreaths and apple cinnamon candles is a little silly. I have TONS of Christmas decorations. I guarantee I will buy more this year. I can't help it. This bliss is only slightly dampened by the fact we rarely spend Christmas in our home. I'm sure that SOMEDAY I'll be able to wake up on Christmas morning and be surrounded by my own collection of velvety green trinkets. So I continue buying them year after year.

Halloween has never been my favorite holiday. My sister Kate was the real enthusiast for dressing up, creating Halloween illusions, decorating, etc. I just wanted the candy. If I was to be forced to dress up to get said be it. At least it's easier than Easter, when I have to go LOOKING for the candy. P-shaw!

So our house is undecorated for Halloween. I am pleased to say that my children have always had a Halloween I'm not a total slacker. And I always have candy for trick-or-treaters (usually I eat the first bag I buy, but I always dutifully buy more so the greedy children can have some...I relate to them ;) ). But that is the extent of my Halloween "celebration." I have a fall wreath and some fall candles that I put out...because I love fall.

This is getting really freakin' long. Is anyone still reading? Wondering why the heck this entry is called "pressure"? Apparently I miss this little blog and am getting all my rambling out in one long entry. Sorry.

So we went to a playdate last week. House fully decorated. Andrew asked, "Why do Jake and Hailey have Halloween decorations up and we don't?" My lame-o answer, "I don't know." Nice. But he let it I thought.

The next morning, Andrew starts the following philosophical discussion with me:

Andrew--"Everybody is different, right Mom? Like some people like different things or look different. And every house is different, right Mom? Like most houses are decorated for Halloween, but ours isn't, right Mom?"


So we now have a few lame-o decorations for Halloween. And no candy yet. What is this world coming to? Have my standards slipped so?


Anonymous said...

I would just as soon give Halloween a total miss, now that I don't have to go door-to-door to get candy. But I too would have ended up decorating after that conversation.

Heather said...

If it helps, I try to decorate, but I just took down my fourth of July decorations two weeks ago to put the Halloween ones up.