Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I think our computer has died. May it rest in peace. It has not started since last Thursday night. Despite my husband staying up until the wee hours of the morning working patiently with the damn thing. I swear...if it had been me looking at it, it would have been thrown out the window that first night. I am writing this entry from Jeff's work laptop...maybe illegally...maybe not ;)

I just wanted to let you all know that I have not fallen into the toilet and passed on to the bathrooms in the sky. Although I am still worshipping faithfully to the Porcelain God. Quite faithfully. Just having boring old computer problems.

As a side note, it has been interesting living without a computer. Just 9 years ago, I didn't even own a computer. I simply visited the college computer labs once a week or so and borrowed Jeff's when I needed to type up a paper. Of course, one big difference between now and then? I was living with other people my age and socializing almost 24 hours a day with them. Now I am trapped in a house puking and discussing football stats of an imaginary team (the Starliners). My son doesn't just have an imaginary friend he has a whole team. The importance of the computer has been ratcheted up a few notches in the last 4 years. ;) But I have read 3 novels since last Thursday. So that's fun.

Okay, enough talk about neglecting my children. I'm going to quickly type a few posts that need to be written for my own little memories. Hopefully I'll be back up and running in a week or so. If not, I'll soon be posting from an insane asylum...I'm sure they have access to the Internet, right?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hey, I'm glad to know about your computer. Not because it's dead, but because I was seriously worrying about you. I was checking your blog and really wishing I had your phone number. I am sorry about the computer. I fear the day ours dies. It's like an old friend. We've been through so much together: two babies, many late nights, many job applications for the husband, thousands of family photos...

Okay, now I'm having an anxiety attack.