Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I was reading another blog last night and it made me feel better. See, this woman is just entering her 3rd trimester and was talking about how she doesn't feel like doing ANYTHING. Doesn't feel like getting Easter stuff ready for her 2 sons, hasn't gotten anything ready yet for the new baby, etc etc. And I felt better. Because I am the same way right now. So perhaps I can blame all this apathy on pregnancy and not feel too bad about being kind of checked out right now.

This apathy has affected my blogging as well. I feel like I have nothing to write about. Which is totally NOT true. My kids are still being irresistibly cute and incredibly irritating...sometimes at the same time. They give me plenty of fodder for posts. It's just making myself sit down and DO it. So I'm going to make myself. Or try to. This will all be over in 7 weeks, right? Oh, wait. Then I'll be saddled with mind-numbing tiredness. 7 months?'ll be better then. ;)

I think my unborn child understands English. Seriously. It is uncanny how many times he reacts to something I say. Like I was getting out of the shower this morning and I mentioned to Jeff how I think he's running out of room. For the last two days, I still feel him moving (and hiccupping A LOT), but he's stopped doing those huge roll-overs. And literally 1 minute after I uttered those words, he flipped...and it was quite uncomfortable. Perhaps this comprehension of English will come in handy during labor. "Okay, buddy, move toward the's time! Don't hurt Mommy!"

Andrew is seriously going to drive me to drink. Which would normally be okay, but I don't think it would be good for baby boy. He moves like a glacier. I swear. And also like a glacier he leaves destruction in his wake. Ugh.

Lily is totally addicted to tv. I am not fighting this addiction. How sad. She knows the names of different shows and she has favorites. She isn't even 18 months. -sigh- Our activities are just so limited...I did also read her 15 books twice each yesterday (I was so bored I actually counted our stack). Does reading 30 stories counteract the tv addiction?

Um, maybe boring posts like this will convince everyone that perhaps I SHOULD take a blogging break. Good Lord.


Kelsey said...

Don't worry about the tv thing! Yes, I think reading all those books helps and there is obviously nothing wrong with her attention span. Harper has had bouts of watching lots of tv (Remember when I was working on my degree?) and she's a smart, funny, active kid. It isn't as though you are parking Lily in front of the television and you aren't going to move her until it's time for kindergarten! I actually know lots of parents who WISH their toddlers would watch television. You're going to need safe distractions when you have to give all that attention to the new little guy anyway. I wouldn't sweat it at all.

And can I say that I had totally forgotten about Easter in all of this!!! Oops. Pretty soon Matt and I will have to talk about Easter baskets. It will be great if I miss Easter because it will mean that I'm getting really close to 34 weeks. But it's also strange to think of being here while Harper is hunting for her basket. Sigh. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I am only entering my 2nd trimester and I feel the same way! I have no energy to play with my 3 year old and don't know what I'm going to do once the little one gets here! :o)
And yes, lots of books totally counteract the tv thing--at least that's been my excuse for a little sanity.

HawleyFamily said...

I SO remember that! I was just absolutely miserable the last trimester of my third pregnancy. SO hard. I personally think it is God's way of making sure that you are looking forward to ENDING the pregnancy instead of being scared of having three kids. :)