After bath, Andrew and Lily were running around our upstairs naked as the day they were born. Such fun. I finally wanted to get pj's on Lily before she wet on the carpet, and Andrew said, "No Mom! We're having a naked party!"
And you'll just have to imagine the wink and the comment that came out of my husband's mouth after that...
This is where I come to laugh so that I don't cry. Join me, won't you?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Good in public
It's all about appearances, right? As long as I pull it together when out in public, people will think I am doing this 3-kid thing well, right? Even if it all falls apart and goes to hell as soon as we cross our threshold, right? Just tell me that's right. ;)
So I had a very accomplished day yesterday. Parenting 1 and even 2 kids rarely felt like it should be challenging (to me.) I am blessed with very even-tempered children who like to play by themselves. But adding this 3rd child has thrown me a bit towards the edge...the edge of sanity that is. It's not that he's's just I've reached my own personal threshold of children that I can manage. And it's debatable whether I'm actually managing could be argued that 2 was my actual limit. ;) But Mikey's here now, and he ain't going anywhere (you couldn't wrestle him from me) I'd better learn to fake it, right?
Anyway, now when I have a day like yesterday, I'm actually PROUD of myself. Like I feel as if someone should pin a little gold star on my lapel at the end of the day. As if I had a lapel. Pin a gold star on my ratty, over-sized, stained t-shirt. ;)
Here's how the day went:
Children wake up and we get out the door at 8:15 am.
Go to doctor to check Michael's weight (he gained 12 more ounces!!!).
Go fill up car with gas.
Go to grocery to get fresh flower bouquets for Andrew's teachers. (gold star, please?)
Drop Andrew off at school and pick up a new medical form for next year's school.
Go home and feed Michael.
Go back to school to watch the end of year program.
Hold back tears as I watch Andrew sing with his classmates. Hold Michael, keep Lily happy, videotape, and take still shots simultaneously (seriously, where is my gold star?).
Go to after-program cookie buffet and manage to keep my children from eating an entire plate of cookies (barely).
Go home and make lunch.
Go out to dinner with all 3 kids to celebrate Andrew's completion of a school year (we needed an excuse to go out).
Not only eat dinner, but have dessert as well. No children were disturbing the other patrons.
Go home and give all 3 children a bath.
Andrew and Lily in bed by 7:15pm
You can send that gold star anytime, now. ;) I got lots of comments from other mom's in Andrew's school about how well I'm managing 3. Oh, if only they saw me at home. But I just smiled and thanked them. It's amazing how the good days make you feel SOOOOOOO good. (Notice how I didn't mention how much tv my kids watched during the day. That makes me feel not-so-good. ;) )
So I had a very accomplished day yesterday. Parenting 1 and even 2 kids rarely felt like it should be challenging (to me.) I am blessed with very even-tempered children who like to play by themselves. But adding this 3rd child has thrown me a bit towards the edge...the edge of sanity that is. It's not that he's's just I've reached my own personal threshold of children that I can manage. And it's debatable whether I'm actually managing could be argued that 2 was my actual limit. ;) But Mikey's here now, and he ain't going anywhere (you couldn't wrestle him from me) I'd better learn to fake it, right?
Anyway, now when I have a day like yesterday, I'm actually PROUD of myself. Like I feel as if someone should pin a little gold star on my lapel at the end of the day. As if I had a lapel. Pin a gold star on my ratty, over-sized, stained t-shirt. ;)
Here's how the day went:
Children wake up and we get out the door at 8:15 am.
Go to doctor to check Michael's weight (he gained 12 more ounces!!!).
Go fill up car with gas.
Go to grocery to get fresh flower bouquets for Andrew's teachers. (gold star, please?)
Drop Andrew off at school and pick up a new medical form for next year's school.
Go home and feed Michael.
Go back to school to watch the end of year program.
Hold back tears as I watch Andrew sing with his classmates. Hold Michael, keep Lily happy, videotape, and take still shots simultaneously (seriously, where is my gold star?).
Go to after-program cookie buffet and manage to keep my children from eating an entire plate of cookies (barely).
Go home and make lunch.
Go out to dinner with all 3 kids to celebrate Andrew's completion of a school year (we needed an excuse to go out).
Not only eat dinner, but have dessert as well. No children were disturbing the other patrons.
Go home and give all 3 children a bath.
Andrew and Lily in bed by 7:15pm
You can send that gold star anytime, now. ;) I got lots of comments from other mom's in Andrew's school about how well I'm managing 3. Oh, if only they saw me at home. But I just smiled and thanked them. It's amazing how the good days make you feel SOOOOOOO good. (Notice how I didn't mention how much tv my kids watched during the day. That makes me feel not-so-good. ;) )
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The good
Really, despite all the whining and desperation, things are going as well as can be expected here at our house. Mentally, I am WAY better than I was while pregnant. Oh, and physically. So here's a list (more for myself than y'all) of THE GOOD going on in our house right now.
1) Um, can we say marital bonding? I feel so lucky to have a spouse that I work well with even under stress and no sleep. There is no time I love Jeff more than when things are stressful. Honestly. We need family help more than ever right now, and we are still a cursed day + long drive away from anyone. It's times like this that we just want people to have over for an evening to TALK to and listen to Andrew describe the dolphin-o-saurus and chase Lily up and down the play equipment, and FOR GOD'S SAKE, CAN SOMEONE ELSE HOLD THIS BABY? I am not the first person to raise their kids without family around and I certainly won't be the last. Heck, my own mother did it 30 years ago. Not breaking any records here ;) So back to the marital bonding. Jeff and I are perfecting team-work. He is incredible. Helping in any and every way that he can. Letting me cry without trying to "fix" it (can you imagine?). And I am TRYING my hardest to let him lean on me. I let him sleep in one day a week...if you can count 8 am as sleeping in. And I am trying to hug and be hugged by him even though I am so sick of being suckled and clung to and leaned against all day. I am trying to remember that even though I am on personal space violation OVERLOAD, Jeff still needs affection and touch. And I watch the children pile on top of him, and I watch him stumble half asleep in the middle of the night to see if I'm "okay" while feeding Michael, and I watch him eat fast food for the millionth time when he doesn't want it, and I watch him fall asleep standing up, and I watch him doing the hundreds of little things to make my life easier...and I love him so much more than I did just a few weeks ago. Is it even possible? And yet it is true.
2) I feel physically wonderful...except for the mind-numbing exhaustion of course. I cannot express how wonderful it is to be able to sit on the floor without ruining my whole day. To eat breakfast and not feel sick to my stomach for hours afterward. To roll over in bed without horrific pain and to only go to the bathroom a few times a day. -sigh- I love not being pregnant.
3) I actually think I feel better emotionally than I did while pregnant as well. I certainly cry more now...but that's from feeling overwhelmed and tired and lonely. I am relieved to not feel the dread and fear that I felt my entire pregnancy. I'm not scared of having 3 kids anymore...I'm doing it. And while I can say that I regretted getting pregnant, since Michael has arrived, there has not been one single moment that I have regretted having him. Not even a second. That goes for my other two as well. It is insane, and I think I probably SHOULD be regretting having 3 kids, but I just love them all...all 3. How could I possibly give up any of them?
4) I have moments where I feel like I may not be doing too bad after all. We arrived early at gym class (I always give myself LOTS of wiggle room just in case things go awry on the way). Andrew struck up a conversation with a grandmother, who started telling the story of when her grandson was born. His big sister got quite sick of him because babies get so much attention and require so much work. I asked Andrew if he felt that way at home...that Michael got a lot of attention. Andrew nodded and then turned to the grandmother and said, "But even when Mom is taking care of Michael, we play the best pretend games together." And it made me kind of glow inside, because maybe, just maybe, Andrew will have fond memories of us together DESPITE the exhaustion and short patience fuse, etc etc etc. -sigh- It really is going to be okay.
5) Lily is just...oh...there are not words to describe her. Wonderful? When I'm with her, I think that she may just be my favorite child. Until one of the other kids does know how it goes. She's just funny and happy and tantruming and...ugh...fantastic. And the other night, I was drying her off from her bath and I laid Michael down on the bed next to her (uh, yea, about that...the guest bed is now Lily's changing table...will anyone ever visit us again?). Anyway, she just sat there gently stroking his arm saying, "Hi, baby" over and over in the sweetest softest voice. And I was moved almost to sweet was the moment. I swear, I think she loves him. I didn't think that it was possible for an 19 month old to truly feel that with another little person, but I see it in her eyes when she looks at Michael. She insists on saying goodnight to him, she looks for him when she comes downstairs, and she even will call him "Mike" now...not very often, but we're making progress. Again, it reassures me that I have not ruined her life by bringing another baby to interrupt her own babyhood. She loves him. And that makes me happy...that instead of ruining, I've actually given her this amazing little person. Yay for ineffective birth control!
6) I got my very first social smile from Michael today. I've been desperately trying to get one out of him (my other kids smiled around 4 weeks...and he's 6 weeks...perhaps it's because he is constantly in the sling and therefore gets no face time with anyone?) Today he rewarded my efforts with a huge open mouth gummy grin as he gazed into my eyes. Oh, and he's cooing. Is there any sound in the world as wonderful as a baby's coo? When I was panicking during pregnancy, I was so focused on the negatives about babies, I totally forgot about all the wonderful things. And baby coos and baby smiles are high on that list.
7) I am getting quite good at going out with the 3 children. I'm getting braver and braver. We went to the grocery on Tuesday night. Just me and the rugrats. We left unscathed. We went to the library yesterday. Again, just me and the rugrats...and it was raining! And I get so many looks and comments. But rather than being upset by them, I actually feel proud. Like, Hell, yea I have 3 kids close in age. And look how well behaved they are. (I will eat these words as soon as we have a bad outing...but so far so good).
8) Andrew started talking at the kitchen table today, and I assumed he was talking to me. Conversation went something like this:
Me: What did you say, Andrew?
Andrew: I'm not talking to you, Mom. I'm talking to my pretend friend.
Me: Oh, okay.
a long pause
Andrew: Oh, man! I forgot what I was going to tell him!
Me: cracking up that my son is pissed he lost his train of thought with an imaginary person.
9) Lily is so excited when we pick up Andrew at school. Last week she stood at the door and yelled, "A-ew! A-ew! Hi! A-ew!" Today she yelled, "They he is!" when she saw him. At gym class she told him, "A-ew, shoes, bye bye" (Andrew get your shoes so we can go bye bye). She melts all around her with her cuteness. And I love that people are starting to be able to understand her.
Okay, I could keep going. I know I'm whiny...and I'm going to continue to be. Especially when Andrew's school ends (in one week!). But life isn't horrific. It's what we expected...survive the first 6 months and then worry about everything else. Goal: Survival. And really, it's better than I actually you can see where I was mentally while pregnant ;)
1) Um, can we say marital bonding? I feel so lucky to have a spouse that I work well with even under stress and no sleep. There is no time I love Jeff more than when things are stressful. Honestly. We need family help more than ever right now, and we are still a cursed day + long drive away from anyone. It's times like this that we just want people to have over for an evening to TALK to and listen to Andrew describe the dolphin-o-saurus and chase Lily up and down the play equipment, and FOR GOD'S SAKE, CAN SOMEONE ELSE HOLD THIS BABY? I am not the first person to raise their kids without family around and I certainly won't be the last. Heck, my own mother did it 30 years ago. Not breaking any records here ;) So back to the marital bonding. Jeff and I are perfecting team-work. He is incredible. Helping in any and every way that he can. Letting me cry without trying to "fix" it (can you imagine?). And I am TRYING my hardest to let him lean on me. I let him sleep in one day a week...if you can count 8 am as sleeping in. And I am trying to hug and be hugged by him even though I am so sick of being suckled and clung to and leaned against all day. I am trying to remember that even though I am on personal space violation OVERLOAD, Jeff still needs affection and touch. And I watch the children pile on top of him, and I watch him stumble half asleep in the middle of the night to see if I'm "okay" while feeding Michael, and I watch him eat fast food for the millionth time when he doesn't want it, and I watch him fall asleep standing up, and I watch him doing the hundreds of little things to make my life easier...and I love him so much more than I did just a few weeks ago. Is it even possible? And yet it is true.
2) I feel physically wonderful...except for the mind-numbing exhaustion of course. I cannot express how wonderful it is to be able to sit on the floor without ruining my whole day. To eat breakfast and not feel sick to my stomach for hours afterward. To roll over in bed without horrific pain and to only go to the bathroom a few times a day. -sigh- I love not being pregnant.
3) I actually think I feel better emotionally than I did while pregnant as well. I certainly cry more now...but that's from feeling overwhelmed and tired and lonely. I am relieved to not feel the dread and fear that I felt my entire pregnancy. I'm not scared of having 3 kids anymore...I'm doing it. And while I can say that I regretted getting pregnant, since Michael has arrived, there has not been one single moment that I have regretted having him. Not even a second. That goes for my other two as well. It is insane, and I think I probably SHOULD be regretting having 3 kids, but I just love them all...all 3. How could I possibly give up any of them?
4) I have moments where I feel like I may not be doing too bad after all. We arrived early at gym class (I always give myself LOTS of wiggle room just in case things go awry on the way). Andrew struck up a conversation with a grandmother, who started telling the story of when her grandson was born. His big sister got quite sick of him because babies get so much attention and require so much work. I asked Andrew if he felt that way at home...that Michael got a lot of attention. Andrew nodded and then turned to the grandmother and said, "But even when Mom is taking care of Michael, we play the best pretend games together." And it made me kind of glow inside, because maybe, just maybe, Andrew will have fond memories of us together DESPITE the exhaustion and short patience fuse, etc etc etc. -sigh- It really is going to be okay.
5) Lily is just...oh...there are not words to describe her. Wonderful? When I'm with her, I think that she may just be my favorite child. Until one of the other kids does know how it goes. She's just funny and happy and tantruming and...ugh...fantastic. And the other night, I was drying her off from her bath and I laid Michael down on the bed next to her (uh, yea, about that...the guest bed is now Lily's changing table...will anyone ever visit us again?). Anyway, she just sat there gently stroking his arm saying, "Hi, baby" over and over in the sweetest softest voice. And I was moved almost to sweet was the moment. I swear, I think she loves him. I didn't think that it was possible for an 19 month old to truly feel that with another little person, but I see it in her eyes when she looks at Michael. She insists on saying goodnight to him, she looks for him when she comes downstairs, and she even will call him "Mike" now...not very often, but we're making progress. Again, it reassures me that I have not ruined her life by bringing another baby to interrupt her own babyhood. She loves him. And that makes me happy...that instead of ruining, I've actually given her this amazing little person. Yay for ineffective birth control!
6) I got my very first social smile from Michael today. I've been desperately trying to get one out of him (my other kids smiled around 4 weeks...and he's 6 weeks...perhaps it's because he is constantly in the sling and therefore gets no face time with anyone?) Today he rewarded my efforts with a huge open mouth gummy grin as he gazed into my eyes. Oh, and he's cooing. Is there any sound in the world as wonderful as a baby's coo? When I was panicking during pregnancy, I was so focused on the negatives about babies, I totally forgot about all the wonderful things. And baby coos and baby smiles are high on that list.
7) I am getting quite good at going out with the 3 children. I'm getting braver and braver. We went to the grocery on Tuesday night. Just me and the rugrats. We left unscathed. We went to the library yesterday. Again, just me and the rugrats...and it was raining! And I get so many looks and comments. But rather than being upset by them, I actually feel proud. Like, Hell, yea I have 3 kids close in age. And look how well behaved they are. (I will eat these words as soon as we have a bad outing...but so far so good).
8) Andrew started talking at the kitchen table today, and I assumed he was talking to me. Conversation went something like this:
Me: What did you say, Andrew?
Andrew: I'm not talking to you, Mom. I'm talking to my pretend friend.
Me: Oh, okay.
a long pause
Andrew: Oh, man! I forgot what I was going to tell him!
Me: cracking up that my son is pissed he lost his train of thought with an imaginary person.
9) Lily is so excited when we pick up Andrew at school. Last week she stood at the door and yelled, "A-ew! A-ew! Hi! A-ew!" Today she yelled, "They he is!" when she saw him. At gym class she told him, "A-ew, shoes, bye bye" (Andrew get your shoes so we can go bye bye). She melts all around her with her cuteness. And I love that people are starting to be able to understand her.
Okay, I could keep going. I know I'm whiny...and I'm going to continue to be. Especially when Andrew's school ends (in one week!). But life isn't horrific. It's what we expected...survive the first 6 months and then worry about everything else. Goal: Survival. And really, it's better than I actually you can see where I was mentally while pregnant ;)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Stealing a moment away
This blog was named "Moments of Sanity" because my time blogging seems like those times in my day. As you can tell from the amount of blogging I've been doing...there are very few moments of sanity lately. These 3 kids are getting the best of me.
Just wanted to let you know that Michael had a follow up appointment yesterday, and he's gained 12 ounces in a week! A baby his age usually gains between 4 and 7 ounces a Mikey is doing some catching up. So we will continue to supplement breastfeeding with a few ounces of formula each day. He manage to gain 12 ounces last week with only adding 6-7 ounces of I can live with that. ;)
Days are long and mind-numbing. Today I have been awake since 2:30 am. Michael sleeps his "long" stretch from 7-11:30. And then he flat out refuses to lay back down to sleep. In my arms...zonked out almost immediately. Lay him down...screaming within 2 minutes. Argh. And then I'm running from 5:30 am (when Lily gets up) until 7:30 pm (when Andrew goes to sleep). Michael will allow me to put him down for about an hour total during that time. I DO put him down and let him scream when I'm getting things for the other children. But how much screaming can one person take? He's screaming right now because he's in the bouncer. As I was saying, at 8 pm, I rush to bed...because did I mention that he won't lay back down after midnight? So, as you can imagine, NOTHING is getting done around here. Just the minimum of dishes and meal prep. And laundry on the weekend. MIND-NUMBING. And gross.
So I'm off to rescue my baby from the dreaded bouncer. We have no outings planned it should feel like it lasts about 29 hours. ;) Have a good one-
Just wanted to let you know that Michael had a follow up appointment yesterday, and he's gained 12 ounces in a week! A baby his age usually gains between 4 and 7 ounces a Mikey is doing some catching up. So we will continue to supplement breastfeeding with a few ounces of formula each day. He manage to gain 12 ounces last week with only adding 6-7 ounces of I can live with that. ;)
Days are long and mind-numbing. Today I have been awake since 2:30 am. Michael sleeps his "long" stretch from 7-11:30. And then he flat out refuses to lay back down to sleep. In my arms...zonked out almost immediately. Lay him down...screaming within 2 minutes. Argh. And then I'm running from 5:30 am (when Lily gets up) until 7:30 pm (when Andrew goes to sleep). Michael will allow me to put him down for about an hour total during that time. I DO put him down and let him scream when I'm getting things for the other children. But how much screaming can one person take? He's screaming right now because he's in the bouncer. As I was saying, at 8 pm, I rush to bed...because did I mention that he won't lay back down after midnight? So, as you can imagine, NOTHING is getting done around here. Just the minimum of dishes and meal prep. And laundry on the weekend. MIND-NUMBING. And gross.
So I'm off to rescue my baby from the dreaded bouncer. We have no outings planned it should feel like it lasts about 29 hours. ;) Have a good one-
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
7 hours of sleep last night, people. Not in a row, of course, but that is a 3 hour improvement!
Michael sat contentedly in his bouncer while I made breakfast. Wonders never cease!
He has only needed the pacifier once briefly this morning, instead of needing it constantly!
And this is with only adding 6 ounces of formula to his diet in the last 12 hours.
This could be good...very good...
Michael sat contentedly in his bouncer while I made breakfast. Wonders never cease!
He has only needed the pacifier once briefly this morning, instead of needing it constantly!
And this is with only adding 6 ounces of formula to his diet in the last 12 hours.
This could be good...very good...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Ah, crap
Michael had his 1 month appointment today....and...he's not growing. Well, technically he is, but gaining 4 oz in 4 weeks just isn't good enough. To give you some perspective, Lily gained 2 pounds in the same 4 weeks.
So...we are going to start supplementing with formula. Blah. I seem to be repeating my mother's history...step 1: have a surprise pregnancy with the 3rd child step 2: Starve said 3rd child.
And of course the all important step 3: start feeding child and live happily ever after. ;)
So...we are going to start supplementing with formula. Blah. I seem to be repeating my mother's history...step 1: have a surprise pregnancy with the 3rd child step 2: Starve said 3rd child.
And of course the all important step 3: start feeding child and live happily ever after. ;)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Birth control
Do you know someone contemplating having children, but you really don't think they're ready? Does your spouse want a big family, but you aren't on board? There is a revolutionary new birth control just for you!
It's called "Our house." One visit, and you are guaranteed to reconsider your pro-creative urges.
We suggest an immersion in the environment with at least one of our 3 models. For a sure-fire withering of the ovaries/testes, we suggest an hour or two with all 3 models simultaneously.
Model #1: 4 year old prototype. Characterized by hyperactive, attention-starved, manic behavior. May tickle and touch strangers inappropriately. Will definitely be loud. Also will talk non-stop...only 50% will make any sense. The other 50% will be about poop or eyeballs or imaginary football teams or the adventures of stink bugs.
Model #2: Toddler prototype. Characterized by manic bi-polar schizophrenic behavior. Expect multiple tantrums stemming from anything from not being allowed to go outside to being handed the wrong beverage (even if the toddler specifically asked for that beverage a moment ago). Will thrash on the ground and scream at decibels that can shatter glass. Usually covered in something sticky or sandy or both. Hair will be out of control and sticking to face.
Model #3: Infant prototype. Characterized by loud, emphysema-sounding screams and purple face. Will projectile pee and poop the instant the diaper is opened and target is spotted. This model is particularly sensitive to being put down...must be constantly patted/pacifiered/walked/rocked. Ceasing this motion will result in instant return to loud, wheezy scream mentioned above.
Sounds pretty sure-fire, right? And they used to say abstinence is the only 100% effective birth control. Not anymore!
The only drawback to our new form of birth control...our models are nearly irresistibly cute. Which may make people not listen to their good sense and go and procreate anyway. See pictures below.




It's called "Our house." One visit, and you are guaranteed to reconsider your pro-creative urges.
We suggest an immersion in the environment with at least one of our 3 models. For a sure-fire withering of the ovaries/testes, we suggest an hour or two with all 3 models simultaneously.
Model #1: 4 year old prototype. Characterized by hyperactive, attention-starved, manic behavior. May tickle and touch strangers inappropriately. Will definitely be loud. Also will talk non-stop...only 50% will make any sense. The other 50% will be about poop or eyeballs or imaginary football teams or the adventures of stink bugs.
Model #2: Toddler prototype. Characterized by manic bi-polar schizophrenic behavior. Expect multiple tantrums stemming from anything from not being allowed to go outside to being handed the wrong beverage (even if the toddler specifically asked for that beverage a moment ago). Will thrash on the ground and scream at decibels that can shatter glass. Usually covered in something sticky or sandy or both. Hair will be out of control and sticking to face.
Model #3: Infant prototype. Characterized by loud, emphysema-sounding screams and purple face. Will projectile pee and poop the instant the diaper is opened and target is spotted. This model is particularly sensitive to being put down...must be constantly patted/pacifiered/walked/rocked. Ceasing this motion will result in instant return to loud, wheezy scream mentioned above.
Sounds pretty sure-fire, right? And they used to say abstinence is the only 100% effective birth control. Not anymore!
The only drawback to our new form of birth control...our models are nearly irresistibly cute. Which may make people not listen to their good sense and go and procreate anyway. See pictures below.
(We had the opportunity to try this out Saturday on Jeff's college roommate and wife (childless as of yet) that stopped through here on their way back to Ohio from a funeral. I had been a bit insulted that they specifically asked us to NOT bring our children to their wedding last year, and when then we got there, there were literally a dozen children in the same age range at the wedding. BUT, after my crew's little performance this weekend, I totally understand why my children were excluded at their lovely event. Quite frankly, after their little performance, I'm thinking about not inviting them to their own weddings in 30 years. And I'm quite impressed that they didn't run screaming from our madhouse on Saturday. If the situation had been reversed, I think we would've stopped for a burger and vasectomy on our way home. )
4 year old intuition
This morning, as I was getting the kids breakfast, I had a bit of a fit about the tissue box. Or lack thereof. I was getting all riled up, "I swear I've opened 3 new boxes in 3 days. But they keep do you misplace an entire box of tissues? I guess I'll have to go in the basement and get ANOTHER box...sigh...grumble...moan..."
Andrew watches me silently for a moment and then says, "You didn't get much sleep last night, huh, Mom?"
Good call, Andrew. Good call. (3 hours...non-consecutive for the record). And thank you for making me laugh at my ridiculous manic behavior.
Andrew watches me silently for a moment and then says, "You didn't get much sleep last night, huh, Mom?"
Good call, Andrew. Good call. (3 hours...non-consecutive for the record). And thank you for making me laugh at my ridiculous manic behavior.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Sensitive (and other randomness)
Just ask my mother. Or my mother-in-law. Or my sisters. Or my husband. I have a bit of a problem with being sensitive. To criticism. I laughed at Andrew's teacher conference a few weeks ago when they said Andrew's only issue is being too sensitive. He gets it honestly.
Not only am I sensitive to criticism. Or being judged. But even perceived criticism or judgement. Which may not even be could just be in my head. Are you getting a sense of how fun I am to be around? Don't comment...I may take it the wrong way. ;)
Anyhoo, the point of this is...people have been really nice to me lately. Strangers. Virtual strangers anyway. Take Monday. I was so proud of myself for getting all three kids to Andrew's gym class. We got there 5 minutes early, no one was hit by a car, everyone was dressed and fed. I had entertainment packed for Lily, Michael was fed and almost happy, the worst thing we forgot was Andrew's water bottle (BFD). I got the kids across the parking lot and into the door. I was cruising and proud of it. But then all the moms and staff at the gym started being nice to me. A little TOO nice, if you know what I mean. You don't know what I mean. Hmmmm, I must be overly sensitive.
But it IS a bit weird when women I barely know...I don't in fact even know their first names...start offering me their phone numbers. And saying, "Really, if you ever need anything...a helping hand, whatever, just call me." We are leaving and 2 different people say, "Are you SURE you don't need help?"
I know, I know...they're being nice. Which is wonderful and I appreciate and I'm sure someday I will take them up on it. But I was feeling so competent. But obviously I LOOKED like a basket case, like I was teetering on the edge of insanity, like I really couldn't handle my 3 children. -sigh- Again, there are definitely times that is just didn't match my feelings at the time. So it makes me wonder...if I looked so out of control then, what do I look like when I really AM out of control? Should I worry about people calling social services on me?
Lily helped me change Michael's diaper today. She wiped his face with a cold (clean) wipe. He squealed. She was thrilled. So it begins.
Michael seems to have replaced Lily in Andrew's adoration. So now Andrew is free to harass his sister like a normal sibling should. Not nearly as many sweet sibling moments...Andrew is giving them all to his little brother.
I weighed myself today. I am 6 pounds lighter than when I started my pregnancy with Michael. Unfortunately, being home with 3 children is making me eat way more brownies and chocolate chip cookies than normal, so this weight loss should be quite temporary. Yea, that's right...I'm blaming it on the children. And I plan to for the next 30 years.
I had a bunch of stories about the kiddos to share. Completely out of my head. Maybe tomorrow I'll remember them...
I'll leave you with more pictures...
Michael deep in thought:

In the sling...the only time I get anything done. It's like a picture of a baby in the womb, don't you think?




Not only am I sensitive to criticism. Or being judged. But even perceived criticism or judgement. Which may not even be could just be in my head. Are you getting a sense of how fun I am to be around? Don't comment...I may take it the wrong way. ;)
Anyhoo, the point of this is...people have been really nice to me lately. Strangers. Virtual strangers anyway. Take Monday. I was so proud of myself for getting all three kids to Andrew's gym class. We got there 5 minutes early, no one was hit by a car, everyone was dressed and fed. I had entertainment packed for Lily, Michael was fed and almost happy, the worst thing we forgot was Andrew's water bottle (BFD). I got the kids across the parking lot and into the door. I was cruising and proud of it. But then all the moms and staff at the gym started being nice to me. A little TOO nice, if you know what I mean. You don't know what I mean. Hmmmm, I must be overly sensitive.
But it IS a bit weird when women I barely know...I don't in fact even know their first names...start offering me their phone numbers. And saying, "Really, if you ever need anything...a helping hand, whatever, just call me." We are leaving and 2 different people say, "Are you SURE you don't need help?"
I know, I know...they're being nice. Which is wonderful and I appreciate and I'm sure someday I will take them up on it. But I was feeling so competent. But obviously I LOOKED like a basket case, like I was teetering on the edge of insanity, like I really couldn't handle my 3 children. -sigh- Again, there are definitely times that is just didn't match my feelings at the time. So it makes me wonder...if I looked so out of control then, what do I look like when I really AM out of control? Should I worry about people calling social services on me?
Lily helped me change Michael's diaper today. She wiped his face with a cold (clean) wipe. He squealed. She was thrilled. So it begins.
Michael seems to have replaced Lily in Andrew's adoration. So now Andrew is free to harass his sister like a normal sibling should. Not nearly as many sweet sibling moments...Andrew is giving them all to his little brother.
I weighed myself today. I am 6 pounds lighter than when I started my pregnancy with Michael. Unfortunately, being home with 3 children is making me eat way more brownies and chocolate chip cookies than normal, so this weight loss should be quite temporary. Yea, that's right...I'm blaming it on the children. And I plan to for the next 30 years.
I had a bunch of stories about the kiddos to share. Completely out of my head. Maybe tomorrow I'll remember them...
I'll leave you with more pictures...
Michael deep in thought:

In the sling...the only time I get anything done. It's like a picture of a baby in the womb, don't you think?




Monday, May 05, 2008
Think they're related?
I have a favorite shot of Andrew in this adorable Baby Gap outfit in the bouncer at 6 days old. As soon as Michael was born, I planned to recreate the shot in the same outfit and the same bouncer to prove how much my boys look alike. But they look quite different. Really different to me. Of course, that's because Andrew is 6 days old in the shot, and Michael is 3 1/2 weeks. I think Andrew had outgrown this outfit at 4 weeks. Andrew was a GIANT! Just look at the size of his head and hands!!! Time will tell if Michael will catch up. And I tried to set up the shot so Michael would also be sleeping in the bouncer...but Michael only sleeps if being held. ;)



Sunday, May 04, 2008
Still standing

Sorry about the lagging posts. No, really, I'm sorry. Not sorry for YOU, but for myself a year from now. I really enjoy logging my life for my own retrospection. Is that a word? I guess I'll find out when I hit spell check.
Time to blog is a bit of a joke. Michael did NOT get the memo that he is the third child, so he should then be okay with being ignored a bit. Again, he was apparently not informed. He insists on being held CONSTANTLY. And he likes the sling only about 50% of the time. So it is a real crap shoot as to whether I'm going to get anything done during the day or not. If, and I mean IF, you are cuddling him, Michael is the perfect angel of a child. He is easy to soothe, and his tummy timer makes him very easy to feed. But HEAVEN FORBID you lay him down...even for 30 seconds. He will let you know that this is UNACCEPTABLE. And he gets himself into such a tizzy that he actually forgets to breathe a lot of the time. Which freaks me out. And makes me laugh at the same time. I mean, seriously. Is it so bad to not be cuddled for 2 minutes? So bad that you have to scream to the point of passing out? And this makes us take him MUCH less seriously when we hear him crying. Someday Lily will sit on him, and he'll cry to the point of suffocation, and we'll ignore him. -sigh- I just wish he'd taken the time to read the fine print in the 3rd child contract. He also HATES his car seat (as did my other 2) and almost NEVER falls asleep in the car. This, too, is in the 3rd child contract. "You will spend an inordinate amount of time in the car seat. You will not have regular nap times, so sleeping in the car seat will not only be recommended, but expected." Oh, Michael. You have a lot to learn. Or a lot to teach us.
Andrew is alternating between being really really cute and really really annoying. For example, today Lily and Andrew were playing with a bucket of water outside. Yes, it really is like Six Flags at our house. Anyhoo, Andrew kept putting water on Lily. I finally told him that he would have to go inside if I saw him do it again. How annoying. And then he said, "Okay, Mommy. I shall resist." In a cute little Frenchie accent like the shrimp in Finding Nemo (who has to stop cleaning the tank and says the same thing). So you are just about to put him in a stranglehold when he pops out a comment that makes you laugh out loud.
I know it is from the nearly constant boredom. Since Michael refuses to be put down (see above), our play time activities are limited. We've now expanded our pretend games from America's Next Top Model to Survivor and Chef and Animal Doctor and Civilization (a computer game that is WAY over Andrew's head...but he grasps an amazing amount of it anyway). I am about to GO OUT OF MY MIND with boredom playing these stupid games. But how can I blame him?
Lily is cute and mischievous and cute and messy and cute. She really doesn't pay much attention to Michael except to get him a pacifier now and then and say good night to him. She knows his name, but refuses to call him by anything but "baby". She does the same with Shadow...insisting on calling her "dog" and nothing else. Which leads us to believe that Shadow and Michael and equal in Lily's perceived hierarchy of the family. She still astounds us with her vocabulary, which I won't bore you with here, because no one cares but us. And the grandmothers. But they don't honestly need any more reasons to brag about their grandchildren, so it's best for all if I just don't mention it here. She is a total stinker and such a horrible listener that I'm terrified to bring her out in public by myself with the boys. And if I ask Andrew to help, he literally tackles her to get her to stop. Ugh.
So that's a little update. We are tired, but generally happy. The children are driving us a bit mad because they are bored and stir-crazy...but we lack the energy to rectify this. It will get better...but it's likely to get worse before getting better. Jeff will have to go back to work full time at some point. ;) Our hopes is that Michael will let me sleep more than 2 hours at a time by then. If not...we'll survive. :)
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