Saturday, June 28, 2008

Seriously...this is getting ridiculous

This blog just isn't happening. I'm sure no one is reading this anymore. It's like trying to keep up with Andrea's blog...after a few months of no new posts, you just stop reading. (oh, a little dig at my baby sis, there).

I need more sleep. I remember getting to this point with my other kids also. At first, I'm all, "Oh, he's just a little newborn. He's used to being inside and warm...he needs extra cuddles." Then, I'm all, "Okay, so he's growing really fast. I understand that he needs to eat frequently." And then after 12 weeks or so of not sleeping more than 3 hours in a row, I'm all, "GODDAMMIT! I NEED SLEEP!" I'm getting bitter. I'm not reading the blogs of other people with newborns because I LITERALLY turn green with envy. The thought of a full night's sleep has taken on orgasmic qualities. But I exaggerrate. At least 2 nights a week, Michael goes 5 hours between a feeding at it's not quite as bad as I make it out to be. But almost. ;)

But enough complaining! Michael may not like to sleep for long, but he is the SWEETEST little thing. So contented, so smiley, such a happy boy. Honestly, he hardly ever cries...and when he does you can soothe him back to peaceful smiles and cuddles in less than 5 minutes. Always quiet...unless you lay him down. But he's even improving in that aspect...he regularly takes 20-30 minute naps in the bouncer during the day. Oh, sweet heaven.

Okay, so I was going to write separate posts about the cute things my children did during our trip to Ohio. But by the time I actually sit down to write these imaginary posts, my kids will be going to college in Ohio. Hopefully on full scholarship, because we can't afford out-of-state... ;) So here is a run-down of things I want to remember my kids doing. Undoubtably boring for all of you, but I feel the need to at least get them down for myself.

1. Can you put a restraining order on a 4-year-old? Andrew likes the ladies. This summer he seems to prefer tan blondes (Jeff says, who doesn't?). Jeff's 20-something, tan, blond cousin Megan came to visit while we were at his parents' house. Andrew immediately sat next to her on the couch, oogling and grinning until he turned to Jeff's uncle and said quietly, "She's so pretty." Which was mildly creepy, but still cute. A few minutes later, Megan is laughing. Why, you ask? Because my son is sitting on the floor in front of her...RUBBING HER FEET. Quite weird. The following weekend, he oogled and grinned at MY cousin...also blond and tan. Kind of creepy...

2. Impressing the relatives We have become quite accustomed to our 4 year old. But occasionally he says things in front of other people that bring to our attention how unusual he can be. Like when he was sitting in a rocking chair that fell over and he said, "Whoa. This chair isn't stable." Or when he was visiting the zoo and they came upon an unusual animal. Well, unusual for everyone but Andrew, Mr. Nature-show-junkie. As Andrew told his dad later, "Uncle Chad was so impressed that I knew it was an okapi and not a horse. It was an okapi." Or when we're saying, "Messy Mike, Silly Lilly, ...hmmm, should we say Adorable Andrew? Athletic Andrew?" and Andrew says, "No, I'm Obnoxious Andrew!" Or when Andrew explained the scoring of Corn Hole to my 40-ish cousin. These are normal for Andrew...but not normal for the relatives to hear.

3. Grandma's house is F-U-N Jeff's parents are notorious spoilers. Imagine Andrew's delight in finding the ESPN Sports Game in their basement this time. It is hard to describe, but it has like 6 games in one. It's about the size of a pin-ball machine, and you can shoot hoops, kick soccer ball, play hockey, golf, throw a football, and hit a baseball...or is it throw a baseball. I honestly didn't spend too much time around it. But Andrew did. And he wore himself was kind of hilarious to watch him throwing after a while. His muscles were so tired he was out of control.

4. Lily has attitude...and she's funny too Lily is so two. Dear God, help me. But lucky for her, she is quite adorable as well. She stole the show while we were in Ohio...stomping around like she owned the place, screaming loud enough to deafen the cicadas. Some of my favorite moments... Lily wanted DESPERATELY to play in the baby pool on Grandma's deck. You have to fill it with buckets from inside, so it takes a few moments. Lily waited impatiently as I waited for the buckets to fill in the kitchen sink. When I came to the patio door a few moments later, Lily yelled, "Day she is! Mommy! Wah-wah! YAY!" It was so cute. Then, on the drive back to PA with my mom, Lily is having a fit in the back of the car (one of many). "YAH-YOH! YAH-YOH! NOOOOOOOO! YAH-YOH!" We tried changing music, handing her books, toys, etc. Andrew then calmly says, "She wants a different song. E-I-E-I-O. It's on CD #3, song #4." I change the CD player in disbelief. When the song came on, we were rewarded with this from the back seat, "Day it is! YAH-YOH!" And her tone was kind of snotty, as if she were saying, Duh! There were many many more stories of Lily...but these are my favorites.

Okay...that's all I can think of for now. If relatives can think of more to add, please comment so that I don't forget them years from now.


Kelsey said...

I love that Andrew is the one who figured out what Lily wanted!

CARRIE said...

Graeme barely makes the 5-hour mark and he's 9 months old. But I simply don't have it in me (yet) to just let him cry. Talk to me when he's a year.

Andrea said...

Oh Lily and Rachel could SO be the same kid :) And Ryan also frequently understands her better than the rest of us!
So jealous of 5 straight hours of sleep! I seriously would consider selling one of my kids for that!!!