Thursday, October 06, 2011

It's MY BIRTHDAY (guest post)

***It is Lily's 5th birthday today. So she is going to write my blog for me. She took the pictures. And I'll type whatever story she tells me ***
This is me and Mommy.

Shadow is trying to find somebody to pet her.

Shadow is on the chair looking out the window.

She sees some grass and plants, but nothing tasty.

And then Mom found the perfect's a unicorn helmet!

These are the best toys ever...whoever brought them to me? I still like them.
And then my friend Sara gave me some toys.
The cake was the best, but I just still don't know who buyed it or who gave it to me. Huh!
My friend toys comed over...Hoppy, Teddy, and Snap comed along.
And then I said, "Hello!"
Snap said, "I want to take pictures!" So I took a picture of him. And he loved it. "Thank you!"
I was in my house. I love my new house. Santa buyed this for me.
I love my birthday but how old am I? I am 5!! Now that I am 5, I can snap my own pants...I think -heh- and then Mom helps me. That's kind of crazy, you know? I can play with my toys quietly. I am so weird now that I'm 5...but I am still cute! I'm going to eat all my dinner so I can get CAKE! AND...uh...I have no underwear on.

I am stopping this post to go put underwear on my daughter. Geez.


bluedaisy said...

OMG, I love it!! Happy FIVE to Lily!!! Have fun on your new bike :) (and that helmet is supercool!!!)

Pamela said...


What a fabulous idea! (I mean having your child guest post on their birthday, not the going commando idea.) I'm going to see if my kids will do that on their next birthday.

Aunt Sara said...

So Cute!

d e v a n said...

hahaha! This is too funny! Happy birthday to your girl!

CARRIE said...

Brought tears to my eyes. She is a HOOT!

Sara said...

Happy belated birthday to Lily!