Saturday, October 22, 2011

Random pictures

What happens when Lily and I go shopping alone together? Shadow costume, that's what.

Random shots of Lily's 3rd birthday celebration...the one with Grandma and Grandpa.
Grandma is so smart...she brought flashlights for everyone. I don't think the 3 year old could have handled ANOTHER day of presents for no one but Lily.

Andrew had a "Star of the Week" poster to finish. We needed a shot of Shadow. Dumb dog is scared of the camera. So she kept rolling over in her submissive pose. We'll just add this to the list of things she's terrified of. Her food bowl being #1.
Morning of The Race. They took shots of us crossing the finish line, but I think that you had to donate a kidney in order to get a copy. (read: REALLY EXPENSIVE). Just in case you can't read the sentence on my shirt it says, "If it weren't for me, you'd have no one to pass" The back said, "If you can read this, then I'm not last!" It was a great conversation starter...and it made people laugh (at me? with me?)

After the race, we enjoyed Baltimore's Inner Harbor. Here's the view from lunch. That's the National Aquarium that we toured for a few hours.
Here's Baltimore's Inner Harbor from across the harbor at Federal Hill Park.
I have no idea where this photo came from. But it's cute, so I'll include it.


CARRIE said...

Great shirt! And so proud of you.

Aunt Sara said...

HAHAHA! Love the shirt!

Pamela said...

Such an awesomely funny shirt! You know you can't ever say that you're not a runner now...there's a picture of you with a runner's number pinned to your shirt so it's official!

Baltimore looks beautiful, by the harbor at least.