Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas eve quotes

I told the kids this morning that tonight SANTA'S COMING!  Michael calmly stated, "Then I will find out if I get a present or coal."

Andrew announced that tomorrow he would like to wait until after dinner to open his presents.  The rest of us can open ours in the morning, but he's going to wait.  When we asked him why he would ever want to do that, he shrugged and said, "I don't know.  I just want to change it up a bit."
Lily keeps cleaning up for Santa.  After Michael spread his cars out on the fireplace yet again, Lily said, "How many times am I going to have to clean this up?"  Welcome to my world, Lily.


Andrew wrote a card to his regular teacher and his Humanities (aka gifted) teacher.  We had a little fight over writing them, so I'd thrown my hands in the air and left the room.  He wrote...with no coaching from me... "Dear Mrs. L., Thank you for teaching me all I know.  You've given me the greatest gift of all, the gift of learning.  Have a Merey Christmas.  Love, Andrew."   Could this kid be any cheesier?  Also, she is going to save that card for all time, it is so funny.  What 2nd grader writes that?

When Memere and Pepere came in our house, Michael gave them the obilitory if they have never visited before.  He showed them the box of Christmas cookies and announced, "These are our cookies.  That's all we eat...IS COOKIES!"


My dad sleeps in around here.  You know, until 7 am.  Lily expressed some concern this morning that Pepere wouldn't wake up in time for present opening.  He'd better go to bed really early tonight.


I know there's more.  I just am drawing a blank.  Will write more later...


CARRIE said...

Ahh, yes, Lily....remember this when you decide whether or not to have children.

I think as Andrew's mom I'd be a little insulted that Mrs. L taught him everything he knows. Apparently, mom, you ain't done too much. ;)

d e v a n said...

hahaha! These are too funny! I'll be interested to hear if the present opening actually waits until after dinner!

Pamela said...

Hilarious! All of them :)