Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Coming up for air

Do you know how much TIME it takes to battle lice? 


Between the washing of sheets and laundry every day, the folding the laundry each day, the combing through Lily's hair 2-3 times a day (45-60 minutes EACH), the combing through my hair 2-3 times a day (30-40 minutes EACH), disinfecting the combs, brushes, etc., spraying down surfaces, sending new found stuffed toys on vacation in a bag in the garage...PLUS everyone still feels fine so I have to make meals for them and such.


We are coming out on the other side, though.  Sunday we did a 2nd chemical treatment on Lily and me and we treated all the boys just to be on the safe side.  Yesterday was the first day Lily hair combed out completely clean.  I've been clean for 3 days or so.

Now it's time to get back.  Take back those 4-5 hours a day and use them for more fun things like baking cookies and cleaning the mounds of toys.

Oh, and blogging.  Must write down some of the cute things the kiddos have been doing.  And talk about joining the gym!  And more devious things my youngest has been up to.  Etc.  But not in the same post as lice.  So, later.


Aunt Sara said...

Glad to hear you've conquered it!

cjsmomma said...

Just wanted to chime in and let you know that I found a product called licefree and its a spray that works amazingly. We had a bout of lice in my home and one treatment with licefree spray and it was gone. It is a non chemical spray and smells like black licorice but it works wonders. Glad to hear you have it under control. It is suck a long process to go through.

CARRIE said...

Ok, story to tell you. N gets dandruffy flakiness that I have to scrub and pick at when I wash her hair. (She calls me "Momma Monkey.") Since I've had lice on the brain thanks to you and Lily, I was telling her about your situation and she better never get lice or I will be messing in her hair and scalp constantly.

When we got your Christmas card in the mail, and I told her who you are she pointed to Lily's picture and said, 'Is that the girl with lice?"

Being famous is awesome, isn't it???