Friday, April 27, 2012

Just wait

A few years ago, I wrote this post.

If I could go back in time 3.5 years, I would sit myself down and have a heart to heart.

I'd say:  Don't feel bad about not doing anything with your kids.  Painting with them, baking with them, extra-curriculars like gym and swim lessons, going out to eat, getting enough exercise, eating better, cooking better, losing weight, going ANYWHERE is so hard right now.  Just wait.  In a few years these activities will be easier...enjoyable even.  And you will still be making memories...just a little later.  You know, when they may actually have a chance of remembering them.  So don't stress.  Don't feel guilty.  Just keep're going to get there.

And that's what I will advise parents of toddlers.  Whatever you want to do, try it.  If it SUCKS, just wait.  Just wait and'll get easier.  

***brought to you by me...who is blogging while her children paint in the next room.  PAINT.  With actual paint and there is no fighting or crying or too much mess.  Just children happily chatting as they create with colors.  Easy. 


Aunt Sara said...

YAY! I love that they're so artistic :)

CARRIE said...

I'm still waiting. ;)

But I will take your advice to heart.