Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hey! It's dark in here!

We put our kid to bed early. Every night.

Yesterday, Andrew took a 3 hour nap! Not surprising, since he had a hearty dose of Benedryl after being stung by a bee (on his forehead, poor guy!). God bless Benedryl. If only it wasn't evil to dose your child every day...

Anyhoo, due to the 3 hour nap, I figured I should let him stay awake a bit later than usual. We went outside to look for fireflies...which there were none. I'm sure I'll be getting an e-mail from my hippy playgroup friend about how cell phones are killing fireflies. I jest...kind of. We looked for fireflies just last week...they were alive and well. We didn't find fireflies, but we found a HUGE scary looking spider crawling through the grass. I'm proud to say I didn't shriek and run inside to put on a haz-mat suit. I just calmly told Andrew to LOOK at the spider, not pick it up (all the while clenching my teeth to hold back my screams of terror). I don't like spiders. We also enjoyed watching the bats fly around our backyard. We have a TON of bats that fly around. They are Cool with a Capital "C".

Came inside. Played our new favorite game, Guess Who, for a while. At ten till 9, Andrew finally went to bed. And after Jeff tucked him in and closed the door, we hear this through his monitor:

"Hey! Hey, guys! It's dark in here! I can't see anything!"

Okay, it doesn't sound funny when I type it. Jeff and I were ROLLING. How sad that he is so used to going to bed when it is friggin' daytime still. He didn't know how to react to a darkness at bedtime. I hate to disrupt his patterns. I'll be sure to put him down at 7:30 again tonight. :)


Anonymous said...

Pepere can certainly relate to this since his parents (Grandma and Grandpa put all of their kids to bed at 7:30 every night. We did get to stay up until 9:00pm when we got to high school and in the summer. Welcome to tradition Andrew. Strap in Lily.

Kate said...

Oh GOD, how I wish Benedryl worked and that my child would go to bed before it gets dark. -Sigh- It's not to be.

Kelsey said...

I'm glad to hear about someone else who has a pretty tight bedtime. Harper goes down by 8 every night, slightly earlier if she hasn't napped. I'm practically militant about it. Does Andrew always fall asleep right away? Harper doesn't, but I'll be darned if I'm letting her run around until 9 or 10 p.m. just because she still has energy.

Anonymous said...

OK, now I'm just jealous. 7:30 - really?? I'm good to get my girls down at 9. They do still take pretty long naps though so maybe once we give up naps...
