Thursday, August 23, 2007


So I'm a slacker. You all knew that, so what's the big deal.

My sister and nephew are visiting this week, and I've been too tired to post. Sure, my sister has, but I'm L-A-Z-Y with a capital "L". You can read about all our adventures here. I'll let her do all the work.

Having Colin here has reminded me of Andrew as a 2 year old. And I would laugh in the superior tones of someone who has passed through that "wonderful" age...except I have a little one in the wings. I watch Colin playing FOREVER with a bucket of water and some cups outside. I remember Andrew doing that last summer. It was so easy to entertain him! Seriously. Cups and a bucket. Now we need a slide attached to a pool...and that is only exciting for 10 seconds. I watch Colin say/whine little conversations like this, "I want banana. Banana, Mama. BANANA. Nooooooo, don't want banana. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. MILK! MILK! No Milk, WANT BANANA." And on and on. Ugh...the irrational behavior of this age. And the scratching! And the biting! How quickly you forget this stage when your child moves on from it! This has been a rude awakening that Lily is not going to pass from sweet baby to fun kid peacefully. Oh, yea, we have to do the 2's. Yippee.

It is so fun to watch all the cousins together. Colin is so sweet with Lily (provided she is not eyeing his toys). He kisses her and always wants to know where she is. And Andrew and Colin have been getting along amazingly well, considering Noah is coming to pick us up in an arc later this week and we've been in each other's faces the whole time waiting for rescue from the flood. (was that a run-on sentence, or what? English teachers, eat your heart out!).

And it is fun having Kate here. It's so great to watch her being a mom. We have different styles for our different kids (my style=mean/controlling her style=fun/easy-going). In my opinion, Kate's only parenting problem? She isn't confident enough in herself. She doesn't have any idea how well she is doing. She thinks I'm being "nice" when I say this...again with the lack of confidence. Proof is in how much Colin and my kids love her. Andrew is eating it up. He so enjoys his fun Aunt Kate, and even told her she is "funnier than Pepere". Whoa...high praise from Andrew.

So that's my update from PA. It has FINALLY stopped raining today, so hopefully we'll be able to take the boys outside and away from each others' space. More later...


Erin said...

It is cool to see your siblings as parents. My sister and I could not be more different as parents, but it's great. She's totally fun and crazy and does things with my nephew that I would never think to do. I am boring and strict with routines and generally need a little help with creative parenting. Finding confidence as a parent is SO HARD. It's nice to know there are many different and equally good ways to be a mom.

Kelsey said...

I just read your comment (8-27-07) on Erin's blog and I am FREAKING OUT!

Erin said...


Giselle said...

Patience, my fellow bloggers.