Friday, August 03, 2007


Lily is having an explosion. And I don't mean the kind that cause me to change her outfit 3 times a day...although she's having those as well. No, she's having the same 9 month explosion that Andrew did, where after turning 9 months, every day brings something new. It is so AMAZING to watch. Here are some of the things she has started to do...this WEEK:

Point (at objects, at pictures in books)
Pick up objects and say, "Hisssss"...which we are interpreting as "this" because once you tell her what it is, she is satisfied
Crawl up a step
Follow people around from room to room
Eat peaches and grapes (cut up in SMALL pieces, people). Throw pasta on the floor.
Squeal and crawl excitedly to Jeff when he comes home from work
Fake cry when Andrew stops her from doing something
Discover and play in dog bowl

Next up? Pulling herself up to standing. She is DESPERATE to accomplish this. The rate she's going, I bet it will happen this week sometime. Big girl.

And two Andrew stories:

Andrew call for help when he has pooped. Usually, he hollers out a charming, "Someone come wipe my butt!". So proud. So one evening, Andrew calls for his dad from the bathroom...although not in the "usual" way. Jeff walks in and asks, "Do you need a wipe?" Andrew replies, "No, Dad. Turn on the light. If I go poop, you will hear a splash. That's how you know."

We have an extra fridge in the basement where we keep lots of drinks...unfortunately mostly non-alcoholic (although after today, I am reconsidering stocking it with wine and vodka). This evening, I asked Andrew to go down and pick out waters for dinner. (I love having a 3 year old...they can DO stuff...and are excited by it still). Andrew calls up from the basement, "Do you want regular or spicy water?" Apparently, carbonated water is now "spicy" water...that's what the kids are saying these days. ;)

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