Saturday, October 13, 2007

Three dreams...YOU'RE OUT!

I've had 3 very vivid dreams in the last week that this baby is a boy.

Dream #1: At a park with Lily, Andrew, and unidentified baby boy.

Dream #2: A giving birth dream. Didn't have time for an epidural, and no one was around, so I had to cut the cord myself. But definitely a boy came out.

Dream #3: Jeff brought the 3 kids into our bedroom to drag me out of bed (even though it always happens the other way around). Andrew and Lily jump on me as Jeff holds a very cute little 6 month old little boy on his lap.

Given my past abilities to predict the gender of the child within my womb, these three dreams lead me to conclude with 98% accuracy that we are in fact expecting a....GIRL!

Yea, I have NO motherly instincts. But my inaccuracy has been very accurate. ;)


Anonymous said...

Ha ha!

Andrea said...

I dreamt Ryan was a girl(even after we knew he wasn't!) and that Rachel was a boy. However, I dreamt this one was a boy and well, so far he seems to be!
Cute dreams though :)