Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bigger than Andrew???

So Michael had his 4 month appointment today. Remember little Mike? Mr. "Let's-drink-formula-because-I-can't-gain-weight"? This same little guy who hasn't had that fattening formula for 2 months now?

He is taller than Andrew was at 4 months.


Yes, taller than my giant firstborn who the doctor asked today if he was excited for 1st grade (um, not for 2 more years). But 2 pounds lighter than my first bohemoth.

For the record: 15lbs 8oz (65th %ile) and 26 1/2 inches (85th %ile)

For the record...this is how big Lily was at 6 months...well, she was a little lighter, but almost.

-sigh- My baby is growing up too fast...

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