Monday, October 13, 2008

1 hour, 15 minutes

Holy crap.

Michael just his crib...for 75 minutes.

Saturday he took a 30 minute nap in his crib. Sunday a 30 minute nap. Today...75 minutes.

Before Saturday, I think he'd taken a total of 2 naps in his crib in 6 months time. Neither were more than 30 minutes.

Please, PLEASE let this be a new trend. It feels unbelievably freeing to have no baby around for a short while.

Yay, Michael!

(In other developmental news...Lily apparently is learning the sounds of letters. She was spelling out the letters in Jeff's "Louisville" t-shirt this weekend and she started saying, 'I. I says ih. S. S says sssssss.' Jeff and I just about wet our pants we were so surprised. Score one for fridge letters! Also, Andrew is starting to read. Officially. We have the beginning readers, kind of. I don't know what the heck I'm doing. How am I certified to teach elementary school...I have no idea about the younger end of the spectrum. He seems to be wanting to do it in spurts, so hopefully I'll be able to just follow his lead...I don't know...)

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Yea for naps!!! I hope it sticks.

If you ever want to bat ideas around about the reading thing let me know. I'm sure you're doing great and you know Andrew and his learning style which is probably the most helpful thing. Just saying that I'm here if you need a consultant!