Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My big girl

Lily had her 2 year old check-up this morning (finally). I asked if I should be giving her any nutritional supplements, since she eats NOTHING. The doctor went into this long explanation of how they watch the growth curve, and a significant drop would make her recommend supplements. But that at 2 years old, most kids' percentiles drop because they move from the infant growth chart to the "big kid" chart...which makes them look smaller. After all this, she proceeds to tell me that Lily actually jumped in percentiles, despite the chart switch. So she could have just said, "no." But I like a doctor that explains stuff, so I shouldn't make fun. But then I wouldn't be me. So I will. And just did.

Weight: 28 lbs (50th percentile)
Height: 36 1/2 in. (97th percentile)

Oh, and I'm really not enjoying dragging all 3 kids to appointments. It is old...already...and we are only on the 2nd of many this winter. Today, it was pouring when we went in, so I parked, jumped out and put Michael in the Bjorn, then zipped him up under Jeff's rain coat, ran to the other side of the car and helped Andrew out the back, then unstrapped Lily and zipped up her raincoat, then ran inside...half dragging Lily because, "NO RAIN! NO MOMMY, NO RAIN". Then get inside and hang up coats on hooks while Lily plays happily with the bead toy, then get hustled back a room only to wait for 30 minutes with NO TOYS. Oh, except for when Lily needed to get weighed, so I had to drag her onto the scale (with Mikey still attached) while Andrew got in the way trying to figure out how the scale worked and asking the nurse a million questions about her chart. After an hour in the office, Michael was crying because he was over tired, Lily was crying and flailing because of her shot and Andrew was whining that he didn't want to go home. But the BONUS of the day was when I corralled the kids back into the waiting room to put back on coats...I noticed it was...wait for it...snowing. -sigh- If the 2 year old was freaked by rain, imagine dealing with the first snow of the season just after having been shot with a needle.

Indeed, I bow in homage to those mothers of 4 or more children. I am unworthy. 3 will be the end of me, I swear it.


Erin said...

OMG. Three kids at the doctors. Just the thought will give me nightmares tonight FOR SURE. You are a saint.

I take both boys tomorrow and I DREAD IT.

I bow to YOU, sister.

CARRIE said...

I took both kids yesterday for G's 1-year visit. Torture! Reading your post made me think I am a TOTAL WUSS in comparison.