Monday, October 20, 2008


I'm quickly putting in a post while Jeff has his computer hooked up here at home. Our computer has crashed 3 times in the last week...I think Jeff has finally admitted that it is time to buy a new motherboard (or something...). I don't know when he will actually find the time to do that this week, so posting is going to be non-existent.

We are enjoying the company of Jeff's sister, Sara, visiting from Texas. My MIL and Jeff's grandma have driven out as well to overlap her visit. My kids are delirious from all the attention.

Quick, kid stories...

Lily is a total drama queen...nothing new there. But lately she will run and then stop and put her hands on her knees, kind of bent over. And she will pant, like she's really tired. She also likes to cover her mouth when she laughs. And she covers her mouth and pretend coughs and then says, "Cuse me."

Andrew and I have a new game, where we make up a story together. I'll start and then stop in a critical point and pass it to him to continue. Then he does the same. Except he really just likes me to make up the story. So it goes something like this,
G- Once upon a time there was a brave knight who was scared of...pass it to you.
A- the...pass it to you.
G- No, Andrew, you're supposed to make up something he's scared of.
A- I don't want to.

Fun game, eh?

Also, Michael is now taking a regular afternoon nap in his crib. It only lasts about 40 minutes...but you gotta start somewhere. Morning naps are RIGHT OUT. Which I can hardly blame him, since he only gets the opportunity to take a morning nap in his crib about twice a week. Since he now will take an afternoon nap, I am officially not doing ANYTHING that takes us out of the house during that time. I am fully fostering this new practice. So beware, Aunt Kate and Cousin Colin. When you come next week...we are glued to this house ;)

Hopefully we'll be back on-line by the end of the week!


Kelsey said...

Ugh! Computer troubles are the worst. I hope all gets resolved soon.

And the nap thing, now you know why I leave the house as little as possible during a child's first year of life!

Kate said...

Colin still takes an afternoon nap... so it's all good.

Kelsey said...

Hey Giselle! I've given you an award!