Michael is 15 months old. Did you hear me? 15 months old!
Sometimes I just can't get my mind around that fact. He still acts like such a baby. Or at least we treat him like a baby. Dude, when Lily was this age, I was entering my 3rd trimester. When Andrew was this age, we were getting ready to move to Louisville. They both seemed so much older... but I guess Mikey will always be cursed with the "baby" title...and all that comes with it.
He isn't walking...but I think he COULD if he wanted to. He lets go of things and stands for 10 seconds or so. He hates crawling on his knees on the pavement, so he kind of does this cro-magnon ape crawl. Add that to the grunting, and watching Michael is kind of like watching the evolution of man. You know? That picture of the ape walking and morphing into the caveman? Michael is like...2 from the right. Not quite evolved.
And the grunting! Oh, how this child REFUSES to utter a word. Okay, that's a lie. He definitely says "ook" when he wants you to look at something. And if his daddy shows up suddenly, he says, "Dah! Dah!". Yesterday he clearly said "Ba" and pointed to a ball. That's about it. Mostly it is grunting or this garbly goop that sounds slightly Arabic...but which Michael clearly believes makes perfect sense. It has all the inflections and emphasis of normal speech patterns, and Michael will finish up looking at you for a response.
He is starting to get frustrated with things. My easy going boy. Once in a blue moon, we will tell him to stop doing something (like stick his fingers in the CO monitor) or take something away (don't chew on the dog leash) or move him off of something (no, you can't climb the ladder up into the play house of death)...and he will thrash and pitch a fit. Of course, he's still Mikey...so it lasts about 3 seconds. And then he's off to find something else to do. He adores his brother and sister...nothing makes him giggle like a wrestling match with one of them. He like to cruise around the back of the dining chairs and "ickle ickle" us (Oh! That's another of his words!). He is full of mischief and loves life...just all around enjoys everything. He is so good about just going on errands and picking up other children and just being in the stroller or on my hip. He has no stranger anxiety, and is very very used to me leaving him in another room while I do something else.
I just love him. I remember sometimes how HARD it was a year ago...how miserable last summer could be. And how simply wonderful he is this year. Oh! How sleep changes everything. And I know that next summer he will be a basket case of 2 year old schizophrenia. So I enjoy him...in the moment...and just love love love him. 15 months! How did we get here already!?!
Sometimes I just can't get my mind around that fact. He still acts like such a baby. Or at least we treat him like a baby. Dude, when Lily was this age, I was entering my 3rd trimester. When Andrew was this age, we were getting ready to move to Louisville. They both seemed so much older... but I guess Mikey will always be cursed with the "baby" title...and all that comes with it.
He isn't walking...but I think he COULD if he wanted to. He lets go of things and stands for 10 seconds or so. He hates crawling on his knees on the pavement, so he kind of does this cro-magnon ape crawl. Add that to the grunting, and watching Michael is kind of like watching the evolution of man. You know? That picture of the ape walking and morphing into the caveman? Michael is like...2 from the right. Not quite evolved.
And the grunting! Oh, how this child REFUSES to utter a word. Okay, that's a lie. He definitely says "ook" when he wants you to look at something. And if his daddy shows up suddenly, he says, "Dah! Dah!". Yesterday he clearly said "Ba" and pointed to a ball. That's about it. Mostly it is grunting or this garbly goop that sounds slightly Arabic...but which Michael clearly believes makes perfect sense. It has all the inflections and emphasis of normal speech patterns, and Michael will finish up looking at you for a response.
He is starting to get frustrated with things. My easy going boy. Once in a blue moon, we will tell him to stop doing something (like stick his fingers in the CO monitor) or take something away (don't chew on the dog leash) or move him off of something (no, you can't climb the ladder up into the play house of death)...and he will thrash and pitch a fit. Of course, he's still Mikey...so it lasts about 3 seconds. And then he's off to find something else to do. He adores his brother and sister...nothing makes him giggle like a wrestling match with one of them. He like to cruise around the back of the dining chairs and "ickle ickle" us (Oh! That's another of his words!). He is full of mischief and loves life...just all around enjoys everything. He is so good about just going on errands and picking up other children and just being in the stroller or on my hip. He has no stranger anxiety, and is very very used to me leaving him in another room while I do something else.
I just love him. I remember sometimes how HARD it was a year ago...how miserable last summer could be. And how simply wonderful he is this year. Oh! How sleep changes everything. And I know that next summer he will be a basket case of 2 year old schizophrenia. So I enjoy him...in the moment...and just love love love him. 15 months! How did we get here already!?!
1 comment:
I was reading your blog about Michael not walking. My sister said they make these shoes called squeakies that squeak when kids walk. The kids love the noise so it makes them want to walk more. Her friend used them for her daughter. By the way, he is sooooo cute!
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