Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another bulleted list

Oh, yah...hold onto your hats. Here are 10 random (read: uninteresting) things going on in my world this week...

1. I bought new bras today (starting with a good one, eh?). I bought them at Target, and I bought the size that I *think* I am without trying anything on. I can hear my sister-in-law cringing and throwing her computer to the ground. But, see? The thing is? I just don't care. I know I should spend $100 a bra and get something that "fits" right. Maybe I'm just too cheap, maybe I just don't have big enough boobs, maybe I have a high threshold for discomfort. Really, I just need to hold the girls a little closer to my body so that they don't hit my waist-band and make it hard to zipper up my pants. I just can't spend the rare moments I have alone going bra shopping. I hate shopping in general, but getting half nekkid and measured? Yah...I just don't have that much alone time to waste. I get MAYBE 2 hours a week without the kids hanging off me or sleeping upstairs...and those 2 hours are usually book club or s'mores and wine with the girls. WAY more appealing than bra shopping. So I just don't care. It's not as if a better bra is going to make my t-shirts and frumpy shorts look better. So there.

2. I bought a different kind of yogurt this week (dude...isn't this post AWESOME?). I eat a little granola mixed in with yogurt every morning for breakfast. It doesn't get soggy and it fills me up. Which solves the problem I have with cereal (seriously, my kids have some kind of Pavlovian response to milk hitting my cereal...all hell breaks loose no matter the precautions I take.). I've always bought the generic vanilla in a tub. But the last time they were out of everything except for Stonyfield Banilla. So I bought it. It is...divine. Creamy, sweet, flavorful. It has taken my granola experience to another level. I don't know how I'll ever go back...damn it. I used to like cheap wine, too. Arghhh...

3. We have been more adventurous with the kiddos in the past few weeks. Like last Saturday we took them to a live theatre production...Pinocchio. Lily and Andrew were captivated...and even Michael made it past the halfway point. Shocking...and inspiring. This weekend we're going to a historical farm for a fair-type-thingy. The weekend after that, we're taking all 3 to a Trenton Thunder game (minor league baseball). We are sure to have a disastrous outing sooner rather than later, which will make us hide out at home with the 3 kids once again. False sense of confidence...

4. Just in general, this summer has been really enjoyable. I thought July would SUCK, but all 3 kids are at really fun ages. It is mildly stressful to go places with Lily and Michael, but only because it is really hard to hold both of them when Lily decides to go ape-shit and I have to drag her out. Other than THAT...it's been great. Andrew totally didn't need summer camp this year...we would have done fine finding fun things to do. But, whatev- he's been having fun this way too.

5. Speaking of summer camp...I have a shocking admission. Every day I have to take Andrew 10 steps into the school and initial a clip-board as he runs across the cafeteria to his group. Takes less than 2 minutes. Except when I have to unstrap Lily and Michael and coax Lily to the front, where she inevitable trips and skins her knees, and then Michael wiggles to get down so that he can get into the puzzle box or try and eat a name tag and then coax the screaming injured Lily back out to the car, strap her and Michael back in despite their protests and take them back home to boring-ville for the few hours until it is time to once again strap them back in and repeat that morning's torture. I did this 4 days a week all year last year. It is summer. Don't mom's get vacations too? (don't answer that). So...I leave them in the car. I know, I know...I should be arrested. I COULD be arrested. But would that give me a few days off in jail? No, seriously, I do still bring them in to pick him up, because that's when I have to wander around the gym and pry him off the teenage boys that are counselors and that Andrew is infatuated with...it can take many minutes to pick him up, so I do drag the littles in for that. Okay? Okay?

6. When I took Michael to his 15 month appointment, I struck up a conversation with a set of parents bringing their newborn in for her first appointment. It was the mother, the father, and the nanny. After oooing and ahhhing over their baby, I settled into trying to keep my 1 and 2 year old from poking her eyes out or spreading their cooties onto her pristine carseat carrier. Considerate, aren't I? And I heard the mother say to the nanny, "Oh! The doctor will probably ask us...how much did she sleep last night? Or did she wake a lot to feed?" It is 2 weeks later, and I still find myself thinking about this woman who didn't even wake up with her 4 day old. I am baffled and puzzled and I feel I have been exposed to an entire social level that I had never glimpsed until now. 2 weeks, and I still can't get my head around it.

7. Tomorrow night one of my friends is having a group over for S'mores and wine. I love my friends. :) Let's just hope that we don't digress into sex talk after a few glasses of wine. I like sex as much as the next person, but I certainly don't need to know or share with people who I will serve chicken nuggets and discuss potty training with the very next day.

8. I am going to Ohio...again. And we are planning another trip in December. And I'm excited about it. It's amazing how sleeping at night makes you so ambitious. This August, we are driving to my parents...we usually go to Jeff's first. So we are adding another 3 hours to an already long trip. With kids who don't sleep in the car. We may be crazy.

9. Despite not being an easily stressed person, I am the type of person who likes to be able to plan ahead, so as not to be caught unawares. So Jeff's job situation makes me happy, because I know we will be here for the near future. But little things, like Andrew's Kindergarten situation, can drive me crazy just as easily. Like, could we seriously find out if he is afternoon or morning? That kind of changes life COMPLETELY for us. And I don't even work. Could the school send us some sort of communication so we know they have our address? Since every other elementary school in the district did this weeks ago? Best elementary school in the district my ass. (oooooh...I am a potty mouth today...)

10. The farm down the street from us has started selling their sweet corn. Jeff has picked it up on his way home from work 3 days in a row. Michael and I seem to have a case of the runs...connected, do you think? I refuse to give up my sweet corn...so what should I be pairing this food with to help my digestive tract handle all this roughage?

Wow. This was...fascinating only in how pathetically uninteresting my life is. Seriously Banilla yogurt is the most exciting thing to have happened this week so far. I can feel your jealousy for my life radiating through the computer.


Anonymous said...

You're so not alone. I own one bra. One. I went out one time to Nordstrom and got an expensive bra and I don't want to repeat the experience again. Except my boobs don't seem to be done shrinking so I'll give them a few more months then maybe I'll go back and get the bra that will fit me for the rest of my life.

And I hear ya about leaving kids in the car. I've seriously wondered, when I leave all my kids in the car (only for a minute while I run in to Little Ceasars for a bag of breadsticks)and a cop finds them, will I get off easy because Kylie and Brayden are old enough to get out of the car and come get me if they need help? Not so sure how well that would hold up in court. Unless there's a mother in the jury then she'll back me up for sure ;)

Michelle said...

Ten on Tuesday is actually a regular posting I personally created for my blog. I never once considered it "a fancy way of throwing in the towel admitting that you have no cohesive thoughts and making a bulleted list" nor "a cop out."

Giselle said...

Michelle: Relax. I know lots of bloggers who do Friday Fun Fact and other bulleted lists. I have done them in the past. I was just feeling like I've done an awful lot of lists lately and was trying to poke fun at myself. Not directed at you or others who make bulleted lists.

Giselle said...

There...I changed the title and beginning. I guess it could have been a bit insulting if you had created the term "Ten on Tuesday." No offense intended...

Sara said...

I will forgive you (and your friend Pamela who obviously had a bad experience) if you're not wearing the correct bras (I said correct, not expensive). It's your back, connective tissue, overall comfort and Appearance at risk, not mine afterall ;)
But seriously, not many places do what we do, we're even kid friendly! And, I know this will shock you, but some people actually enjoy being pampered by us.
But hey, it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round. I'm ok with you not being the bra fitting type.

Giselle said...

Ah, Sara, you are so patient with your stubborn SIL. I promise that if I move to Texas, I'll NEVER EVER buy another bra at Target. ;)

HawleyFamily said...

I remember you telling me about sweet corn during the summer and how amazing it is when it is fresh off the farm. I have to say, being a corn lover, I have thought about that and vow to some day get some fresh grown corn...although it might just ruin the Henry's corn from then on. :) Like the list. Always love reading your thoughts!

CARRIE said...

I hate bra shopping too. I finally found an old nursing bra and have been wearing it because I'm sick of my nipples popping out as far as my belly button now does.

I leave the kids in the car for "quickie" runs into stores all the time. I turn off the car, take the keys, and turn on the flashers. For 20 seconds while I run N into My Gym, what can possibly happen? Don't answer that.