Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can't get past him...

Have I ever mentioned that Andrew is obsessed with football? Still?

I picked up a fantasy football magazine for him at the grocery...the official NFL one. He spent all weekend absorbed in it (except for the Saturday morning spent watching his Uncle Colum from Texas play soccer...randomly here in Philly). We assumed that he was enjoying the pictures and trying to figure out what team/position each player was.

But on Sunday, Andrew pointed out a discrepancy that he had found. Apparently in one section, they said that the Saints first game would be against one team and later in the magazine it stated that the Saints first game would be against a different team. Andrew was concerned, because he knew that couldn't be true.

So, basically, my 5 1/2 year old found a typo in the fantasy football magazine.

I think we've got to find a way to get this child to a football game...I don't think this obsession is going anywhere.


CARRIE said...

Holy crap! He is a genius.

Michelle said...

Andrew-football. Jaxson-baseball. INSANITY.

Sara K. said...

This would be slightly less ridiculous if it were at least the Eagles or something...but the Saints, why would he care enough to pay THAT much attention? Crazy smart little boy.