Friday, August 28, 2009

Future dentist?

Andrew had a dentist appointment this the 4 of us pack up and went to hang out in the dentist's waiting area. Lily and Michael love it there because there are TONS of toys and a huge plastic play house in the waiting area. Don't comment about swine flu and transmittable diseases...I don't want to think about it. They were having fun...Andrew got his teeth cleaned...mission accomplished.

They did Andrew's first set of full jaw x-rays. Andrew did that and got his teeth cleaned while I waited with the littles out in the waiting room. I was called back when the dentist came in to look at his teeth. He's poking this tooth and then that tooth, and the hygienist is looking at Andrew's chart and chiming in, "We're watching J and E, we filled A in March 2008" etc etc.

Andrew suddenly chimes in, "Dr. T? Do I have 26 teeth?"
Dr. T, "No. You have 20 teeth. But you'll get more soon."
Andrew, "Can I name the new teeth with the rest of the letters of the alphabet?"
-the hygienist laughs at this point and comments on how smart he is and how closely he's been listening
Dr. T, "Actually, your new teeth will have numbers. Baby teeth are named with letters, but adult teeth are named with numbers."
Andrew nods thoughtfully.
Then Dr. T shows us the full jaw x-ray. It was so cool. Andrew has some big honking teeth up in his mouth. Yikes! You can tell the 6 year old molars are close to the gum line, and it looks like he'll probably lose his bottom teeth first in a little while...those adult teeth are starting to push their way up. Andrew studied it very interestedly...
Andrew (pointing at 2 dark spots on the x-ray), "Are those my eyes?"
Dr. T, "Good job, Andrew...those are your eyes. Do you see these teeth? They are your adult teeth."
Andrew (pointing at a specific tooth), "What's the name of this tooth?"
Dr. T, "That's 14."
Andrew, "That's going to be my favorite tooth."
We all chuckle. I say, "That is definitely NOT my favorite tooth. I have a crown on that tooth."
Dr. T, "So that's your DENTIST'S favorite tooth, then."

And then it was time to leave, and everyone there decided that Andrew has the capacity to be a dentist someday. Or a football player...whatev.


Heather said...

I have to admit, I am so jealous that Andrew's appointment went so smoothly. Maybe when he gets that dentistry degree I'll send Wesley to him!

Andrea said...

I'm so impressed that Andrew is interested in absolutely everything he can learn! And with him already having fillings, I'm so glad he is not afraid of the dentist!

Kelsey said...

In the very best way, that sounds like a sitcom episode trip to the dentist.

CARRIE said...

Your Andrew is so cool.

Kate said...

If he plays football he's gonna need a dentist, but not as much as those hockey players.