Wednesday, September 02, 2009


So school is going well. Andrew loves riding the bus and seems to like school very much. He can't tell me exactly what he's done each day, but so far has nothing bad to say. Yesterday they went to the library, and he was AWED and INSPIRED by it. Then I told him that I used to be a school librarian...that was my JOB, and he looked at me as if I had announced that I had created the world in 7 days. He was astounded. Funny.

He also remembered that he sits next to Olivia on the carpet and Jagger at his table. Yes, the child's name is JAGGER. Andrew wants to be friends with him, but still hasn't talked to him (?). I have personally already judged Jagger and his parents just based on the name...but whatever. ;) His school sent home a volunteer sheet, and I had to restrain myself from checking every box. I do have 2 other children with no babysitter, after all. Bummer. And next Tuesday is Back to School night, where we will meet the PTO president, talk with the teacher about curriculum and class schedules, etc etc. All the info that I felt was Tuesday night. I suppose it's not unreasonable to wait a week. ;) Glad I didn't send any irrate e-mails...yet.

I am LOVING my 2 hours in the afternoon to myself. Well...almost 2 hours. We rush home from the bus stop because Michael is just about dead from sleep deprivation. Lily watches a show while I put Michael down, then Lily goes down. So Andrew leaves at 12:50, Mike is sleeping by 1:05, and Lily is sleeping by 1:30 or so. Then, if Michael sleeps well, I have until 3:30 all by myself.

The possibilities are endless. I could clean. I could exercise. I could read. I could take up a hobby.

Day 1 found me playing on the computer for 90 minutes. Then Michael woke up, and I was sorely disappointed that the kitchen was a mess and, well, the whole house was a disaster. And I'd had 90 minutes. Argh. So yesterday I was better. I set TIMERS for myself. Disgusting. I have no self-motivation. But I watched a show and cross-stitched. And then I scrubbed out my refrigerator. Took out the shelves and drawers and really scrubbed it. NASTY business. I threw out 3 cans of Redi-whip...and I don't even remember ever buying Redi-whip. Maybe for last Thanksgiving's pumpkin pie? I found 3 almost empty sour cream containers way way in the back of the top shelf (where things disappear, because I can't see back there unless I'm sitting on the ground.). NASTY.

It was so satisfying, though. This is a job that is very difficult to do with children running around. Today I might wash the kitchen floor. I know...I know. Of course I do that every couple of days anyway...OF COURSE. Just like I change the sheets every week. Or dust. Ever. Of course.

Off to earn my "lady of leisure" afternoon pass!


Joanne said...

I can so relate! Since Hannah & Owen still nap, I envisioned having time to do so much stuff while Megan was at school. Ummm...not really. If it weren't for this darn computer, calling my name!

Kelsey said...

Harper is at school, Michael is morning napping, I'm on the computer - you're just doing that the cool kids do!