Michael steals a piece of pizza off of another child's plate at playgroup after his doctor's appointment. We didn't see it happen, just saw Mikey running around munching on this full size greasy pizza. Yum-yum!

My boy is a growing! Perhaps because he steals food. Whatever.
We had his 18 month well visit today. As always, when I enter the waiting area with all 3 kids in tow, I get the comments..."Wow. You bring all 3 kids with you?" Um, yes. Where else would you suggest that I deposit them? Also? Michael peed all over the floor of the room after he was weighed. Nice. But 2 points for not peeing on me as I carried him naked from the weighing area back to the room.
Anyhoo...Michael is busting out of his percentiles. He is growing like crazy and catching up where his mama's weak breast milk left him behind.
Let's just review what those changes have been, shall we?
9 months (still breastfeeding exclusively with some table food mixed in)...weight: 6th percentile/height 30th percentile
12 months (just starting whole milk)...weight:15th percentile/height: 20th percentile
15 months (we thought this was a huge jump in numbers)...weight:36th percentile/height:26th percentile
And then today he is 26lbs 4oz (56th percentile) and 33 3/4 inches (84th percentile).
Amazing changes in just a little while. It helps that he loves to eat everything from asparagus to tilapia to noodles to dog food to chalk. Not a picky eater. Except for bananas. Hates bananas.
Grow, baby ,GROW.
I love his expression. "Who, me steal pizza?"
Cute picture!!
Michael knows how to be covert- good for the 3rd child!
Also, he is a growing boy- wow! That's awesome, very glad he is doing so well :)
Those young'uns at the bottom of the totem pole learn to fend for themselves early! Don't you just love this stage...they are doing/learning so many things and it's fun to watch :)
Love to see healthy, happy kids. Must be something you're doing (or not---although I thought I'd try to make you feel good).
Look at that giant boy!!!! I can't believe he was that tiny little baby! It's hysterical that he stole food - what a boy thing to do!!!!
Our Michaels are pretty close in size - your Michael is just a little bigger.
And, how funny, my Michael LOVES bananas, to the point where we can't say the word unless we'll give him one. He eats a banana a day.
It will be fun to see them together someday!
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