Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Out of place I'm a little out of the whole SSC thing. I have mentioned before that my attention span is quite short. I try to do an activity each day with the kids that involves crafty or sciency stuff...but the whole organization of it is out the window. And Andrew has VBS this week at our church, so he's gone the whole morning.

Which makes me realize how much I miss having him around. Why is it that just as your kids get easy and fun to be around, they have to go to school full day? I would like to hang out with my 6 year old all day, thank you very much. Where is the full day school for the manic-depressive psycho toddler? -sigh-

I digress. I really just wanted to write down a cute Lily moment.

We were pulling into the library to return books and pick up my holds, and we saw one of Lily's teachers from last year walking to her car with her daughters. I pointed her out to Lily..."Look! There's Mrs. Wood, Lily!"

Lily was rather unaffected and said, "But I don't see Mrs. Gulla."

As if it couldn't possibly be her teacher if the assistant teacher wasn't nearby. Siamese twins.


Andrea said...

Rachel lumps her teacher and aide into one person and was very confused when we ran into her teacher and her fiancee at Target!!! She also thinks they live at the school!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol...I totally agree with the need for full-day toddler school! Oh the places we'd go if we didn't have an unpredictable two year old in tow!

Sarah said...

Ah, you're so right. There was many a time when Addy was newly two and I had a newborn baby and I would think, "WHY can't she go to school NOW instead of later, when things will be calmer?!"

Kelsey said...

One of my favorite Lily stories - I love the funny ways that kids view their teachers. :-)