Thursday, September 23, 2010

I love Andrew John

-- He still has the most gentle, loving heart...way beyond his years. Last week, on Lily's first day of school, Andrew lept off the bus. The first thing he did was run and hold Lily's hand and ask how her first day was. Even on non-monumental days, he and Lily often walk hand and hand, deep in conversation from the bus stop home. Let's just pretend for a moment that it's not always about Pokemon, shall we? They cuddle each morning when they watch cartoons.

-- His huge heart has also enveloped that baby brother of his. He asked me to put Mikey in the swing last week so he could push him and make him laugh. When Andrew is running around with a ball, Mike wants to be involved. And sweet Andrew just can't say no. Countless meals have been turned into choking hazards as Andrew makes Michael giggle with just a widening of the eyes. He lets Michael tackle him, smack him, cuddle with him.

-- Lily and Michael just don't know how good they have it. From the overly-enthusiastic encouragement to the dumbing down of games to the sharing of precious candy and sweets...Andrew is the best big brother I've ever heard about.

-- With this power to do good comes the power to do...uh...not good. If Andrew is in a mood...the whole house suffers. Luckily for us, Andrew is most often agreeable and loving. He can also manipulate his sister and loves to hear her scream in torture. He is a much better loser than once he was...but he must point out how much better he is to his sister. Keep her in line.

-- The football obsession that has held strong since the age of 2 seems to be easing up a bit. I find myself at a loss. Football was always my go-to conversation starter and present buying guide for Andrew. He seems more obsessed with anything number/graph/list/statistics oriented. Future actuarian.

-- He is 50-something pounds and 4 foot 3 1/2 inches tall. But this bony, lanky, knobby-kneed boy is still a cuddle bug. I try to soak it up and enjoy it each time he reaches for another cuddle...but seriously? Put some fat on that bony hurts! Our new favorite activity is to curl up with a book at night...and he reads. I just cherish each moment with my arm tucked around him, occasionally giving him soft kisses on his temple. He never wipes them away...just tolerates his sentimental old mother. How much longer until I never get to touch him?

-- He can make me laugh a million different ways. With his new/bad jokes that he invents. With his little comments about life. With the camaraderie he gives me when the littles are tantruming (he rolls his eyes with me). When he finds something that makes me truly laugh out-loud, he repeats it ad-nauseum...not realizing that it is the surprise that makes something funny...

-- Andrew is magnificent. He is kind, smart, funny...but he is the most compliment-hungry of my kids. He relishes each stroke of his ego, each time I point out his good works, whenever I praise anything he does or is. I must remember this trait as he gets older because it is easy to take for granted how wonderful he is. I definitely take him for granted. But I try not to.

1 comment:

bluedaisy said...

Love this love-bug! Cherish those cuddles for as long as you can. And so sensitive- I wonder if he will wear his heart on his sleeve as a teenager? I hope the girls will be kind- and if they aren't, I'll help you keep those evil ones in line!