Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Sadly, we are not a religious family. We don't go to church and we don't pray before meals, etc. Andrew seems to have a natural religious streak in him, so we will probably start going for his sake. He does get exposed to it at nursery school, which leads us to moments like the one last night.

We went to the cute downtown of our little PA town to try and get some reading material from the local bookstore (trying to support small businesses instead of Borders, etc. etc). We decided to try out a new pizza place that opened within walking distance of the book store. Andrew had noticed them building this place over the course of many months, and was excited to see what it looked like inside. We sat down to eat and our conversation went something like this:

A: Mom, is this a new building?
M: Yes, remember when we watched them build it?
A: I think we should pray before we eat at this new place.
M: That sounds really nice Andrew.
A: I'll be the talker.
Andrew reaches for both Jeff and my hands, then closes his eyes and very seriously prays...
"God, this is a new place. We really like it. We won't wreck it so it can stay new." He looked up and we all said "Amen"...while Jeff and I stifled giggles.

I think it's time to go to church.


Erin said...

Holy crap this is FUNNY.

Anonymous said...

That's the cutest/sweetest thing I've heard in a long time. Seriously. What a doll.

Kathy C.

Joanne said...

That is adorable! Sap that I am, it kind of made me tear up (okay, okay, so I did more than just tear up). That Andrew is one special kid!

Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart! This will make Great Grandma really proud. We always hold hands when she prays.

CARRIE said...

N always refers to the minister/priest/prayer person as the "talker" too.

I think I see an ordination in your future.